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Wow! On only 300 acres?!?

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Nice Crappie! I imagine you and your brother and father are gonna come home with another pick-up load of bone! Plenty of up-and-comers too. You need them!

Weren't there any BIG ones? wink You only got 1 or 2 that might go 160... are you sure you wanna waste the fuel?!?! grin

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Don't get me wrong, there are some very nice deer there, but it seems like you had better deer last year? Is the drought affecting the animals in that area?

*edit - this is a serious question, and maybe I am mistaken on last year v. this year, but I thought I remembered you posting a number of photos (kills and trail photos) from past seasons, and I know there are drought issues in that part of the country this year.

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Inthenorth, Last year we only had pics of one buck that we killed, the buck I killed with the goofy left antler. My father's buck we had pics of in 2010. But his would be similar to bucks we have this year. We had no pics at all of my brothers buck.

Excluding the very last buck above, the six before that we had pictures of 4 maybe 5 of those last year. All would score more this year than last and the other about the same.

On the 20th of April it was still soaking wet down there. We planted trees but then went dry soon after. I don't know if the drought is hurting the antlers, I really don't see it. I will try to post some pics of bucks this year vs last year.

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I'm going to answer for CR since I have some pics at home and all his are at work. This is easily the best year we've had for trail cam photos. Last year the biggest buck we had on camera was the one CR shot. full-26478-23346-brycamks(16).jpg


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That buck had 3 stickers broken off but would have grossed high 150s with them. The buck I shot grossed 178 but we had no pictures of him and I was very lucky to harvest him. The year before the best buck we had on cam was the buck CR shot, but we only had one picture of him and it wasn't very good. We didn't realize who it was until after CR killed him. We did have pics of that buck from 09, however. The "Goofy Horn" grossed 173 I think, sorry if I'm wrong CR. full-26478-23349-big_uns(7).jpg



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This year we have multiple pics of multiple 3 and 4 year old bucks, we've never had that before. I think some of these bucks probably don't live on the property but know where the mineral is because we've been putting it in the same place for 5 years now. I don't care where they live as long as they swing through during the rut. SlimnGriz, I know it was tongue in cheek, but I think this buck will break 170 (your thoughts?). full-26478-23352-hilltop8_9_12(1535).jpg




I posted a few in the trail camera thread, but I'll post them again cuz it's fun!

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Ooohh boy DaveT... I think you guys have some magnificent deer there! I was just being smart,whistle I wasn't trying to knock em! But personally I dont think that deer will go 170. Thats a tough thing to do as an 8 (basically)... Dont get me wrong, hes framed like a 170, I just dont think hes got enough there. Id guess closer to 160. That pic is mid-July as well, so its possible he put more on his 3s and 4... I have little doubt you guys will shoot him and make me eat my words! grin

I actually think the 6x5 (or whatever he is) w/the short tines is the best grosser. Looks mature too! Reguardless of what you guys have on camera... youve done the legwork and you know when the rut kicks whats capable of being on that property! Id have no doubt more than 1 Boone has scuffed the dirt there this year! I look forward to seeing what you fellas get!

Btw... Do you guys ever find any sheds from any of those deer?


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Boy... glancing back at the pictures... you guys really have a LOT of good bucks that are borderline HUGE! Too bad there are so many missing a G4 on a side...

The one 8 point on The TRUTH 35 looks like a direct decendant of "Turkey Foot".

Neat! Good luck guys! Thanks for sharing!

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