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Should be deer hunting tonight....

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92 degrees is way to hot to hunt deer IMO.

Amen to that. I went on a few crop damage hunts last year between 80 and 90 degrees and it was awful. And we didn't even have bugs where I was hunting, I can't imagine doing it in MN.

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Although I completely agree with that the buck in my avatar was shot when it was about 85 degrees out... That said I was on a short weekend hunt to WI, so I was hunting regardless of the temp...

I was pretty darn crabby about the temp too, right up until the whap!

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I would have been willing to sacrifice sitting in the heat thats how desperate I am to hunt now lol... The craziest thing about it was that during the first night of the hunt a neighbor came out and told everyone to get out and upon return brought a rifle and started shooting in the air... Needless to say the sheriff was called and he was thrown in the klink... Some people don't understand what hunters actually do especially in this scenario where the farmer was losing thousands from crop damage

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