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Taxidermy question???


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I shot a bird last year, 2011, that I got full body mounted. It has been over a year now and i havent got the thjing back. The company i went through said 10 to 12 months, but they havent even called to let me know what is up. I have had to call them to see what is up, and they say oh yeah we will check and get back to you. I also tried to get the meat from the bird after measurements were taken, and they said the same thing, we will get back to you... no call. Just finally gave up on that one thinking I better leave them alone so they don't mess up my mount or something...

Does anyone else have any issues like this? It is a pretty penny for that mount, and I think they could be a little more professional about it. Thanks for letting me rant!

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Sorry they aren't better buisness people, but I don't think your wait time is out of line...yet. A good taxidermist will freeze dry the head and I know that takes a long time, and if they already had their freeze drier full when yours came in, well that much longer.

Keep bugging them, as often the squeeky wheel DOES get the grease, but try to understand that they are busy.

I'd suggest "Not trying to bug you too much, but when do you think I could expect my mount?"

Good luck.

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Thanks Donbo! I will bug them again. It is more frustrating that they say one thing and do the opposite. They strung my buddy along on a deer for 4 months longer than they said... So i am hoping it isnt like that with my bird.

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i would keep after them like Don said thats pretty long unless its a family friend or something like that i would get after them until they give you a straight answer and not ill get back to you, doesnt hurt to drop by to

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So going to pick the bird up tonight. After 18 months of waiting and broken promises of when to get it and how much longer it would be. I will post pictures later when i get settled in.

Could not be more disappointed by the service I have received. Sure hope the bird is worth it. I hope they loose more business than just me. Hopefully no one on here makes the same mistake i did.

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When it comes to many different mounts like a deer head, if the taxidermist sends the hide out to a great tannery like Pepi's in California, they say 3-5 months and then it could be 5-7 months to get the tanned hide back.

As far as the Taxidermist giving you the meat back, I personally would not eat the meat from any animal that was skinned to be mounted. They use a powder chemicasl when the skin a bird and one should not eat that meat if the powder was used. Then the next concern would be how clean was the knife or scalpel that was used to skin the bird.

I mounted many fish and never once did I eat the meat out of a skinned fish to be mounted.

With that said, yes, they could have called and said it will be a few more months before your turkey may be done. It does take time like Donbo said to freeze dry a turkey head. Depending on how much is in the freeze dry machine will determine how long it will take also.

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Sometimes a wait is well worth it. I would much rather have a deer head mount done on a commercially tanned hide. Some of the very best taxidermist have long waits or turnaround. Is it a bad thing to wait an extra 6 months if you have the rest of your life to look at it?

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