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Sad state of affairs...


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Hoyt, sorry to be a nattering naybob of negativity here, but do you really expect to kill a deer with that? Not a chance! That thing simply won't work for shooting big game. No way, no how... laugh

Seriously, nice looking rig- I bet you'll love it! Good luck with it!!!

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Scoot I'll let you use for a weekend if you still don't have yours in. grin

Man I hope it will take down a squirrel at least. If I cannot use for deer I still have my backup.grin

I sure got a great deal on the bow. This is 2011 so I got at a close out price and could not pass up. grin

I wanted tactical black frown but with the price they gave me and it was the last one on the rack.

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Whoaaa, that's a 2011? Heck, there's no doubt that'll never kill a deer now. Given its age, you might question whether it'll work on squirrels as well. Once they get that old, they simply don't work anymore. The animals evolve and become resistant to the older models- much like weeds become resistant to herbicides. laugh

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