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Jigging Spoons

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Has anyone ever tried a buckshot rattle spoon or other type jigging spoon in open water ive always used them through the ice with good success and was wondering how they would work in open water.

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I was out with my father in-law last fall. We caught the occasional fish but nothing too great. He pulled out his ice fishing rod and tied a swedish pimple and a minnow head and caught 4 walleyes in 10 minutes. All the other boats were closing in on us looking to see what he was using. You could hear lots of whispering when they got close enough to see. I've kept some jigging spoons in my summer tackle box ever since.

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I've used cicadas and swedish pimples during open water and have caight fish.

I also remember a PWT tourney where one of the top finishers got his fish on a jigging rap. But I can't remember the specific event or his name off the top of my head.


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Jigging spoon work great during open water. The trick is to stay vertical. Anchoring is the most logical. Just last night I was banging perch and small walleyes on ice raps. If you think fish pound them during the ice season, you should feel a bite during the summer.
I use buck shots and other flutter spoons most often during late fall. Have'nt tried them during early spring.

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I would imagine that anything that is normally considered for ice-fishing will work as some point during open-water... even the tip-up if you can keep it above water. Got a way to make it float?

I've been wanting to try some of my jigging spoons but I have yet to get out in a boat when I have my ice-tackle with me.

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I've used jigging spoons out in Dakota on some of the lakes with sunken timber. The walleyes and perch lay up around the trees and most methods get you snagged. I fish them with a short rod and Fireline strong enough to get the fish free of the snags. It can really put fish in the boat when they're laying tight to the timber.

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