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sighting in a hipoint c9 handgun

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I'm trying to set the sites on a new hipoint c9 9mm handgun and adjusted the the sights all the way and shooting about 1 to 2 feet low shooting at 15 to 20 yards with winchester full metal jackets

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Raising the rear sight will raise the point of impact, you probably allready new that just throwing it out. Another thing is how you grip and line the pistol up with your eye.

I don't know why I would be shooting that low at such a close range even cheap ammo should fire close at that range, are you shooting the right caliber ammo for you gun. Another problem could be flinching let someone else shoot it and see what happens.

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Ive used these guns before, I would sight this gun right in the trash! Very cheap gun, I don't think the ammo matters on this quality of gun!

I would have someone else try shooting it too. Might be something you are not seeing. For instance the way you shoot. Have someone watch you to make sure you do not jerk or do something that is causing you to be that far off.

That is a big drop. Get closer and see where it hits and adjust from there. Then back up.

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Snap caps are also a very good way to find were you are messing up when shooting handguns, put one or two in a magazine randomly when you are loading it, or have someone else do it if your memory is better than mine. eek

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