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Advice needed.

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Although I've hunted most of my adult life, I've only shot a handgun once in my life, and that was over 10 years ago. I'm an avid grouse hunter and often hunt alone with one dog. After reading the awful story about the dog attacked by wolves and hearing other similar stories, I'm thinking a side arm might not be a terrible idea.

This would be its real only purpose, to carry while hunting for protection. So what are my options? What would be a reliable easy shooting weapon with a good knock down power and have readily available ammunition? I wouldn't need anything fancy, and other than shooting a few times a year to stay familiar it would probably sit. I really wouldn't be opposed to a used gun.

Any good suggestions on where to find a used one? I'm assuming its legal to sell one, but what steps need to be taken to buy one?

Thanks in advance guys.

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Hey setterguy: Here's a thought- since you are most familiar with your shotgun, why don't you just keep a couple slugs in your pocket when out for birds. Taking on a handgun is just one more thing to carry and when you are not familiar with it there's the chance you shoot the dog or your own foot in the excitement of a wild moment. A wolf hit with a shotgun slug is going to be knocked down a lot faster than one hit with a .38. Or hit the wolf (or bear) with a load of double-0.

I know of some unpleasant things that have happened when somebody with a handgun gets into a tense situation with a critter.

Just think it over.

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I did consider this option, and believe me I would hope I would never have to use it, however I always hunt with an over/under and would simply feel more comfortable with more than two rounds. And having to fumble through the vest, make sure I grab the right ones, unloading my weapon and then loading it, taking aim and firing seems like it may take too long for me in the event that I actually do need to do some damage to something.

I guess I would lean towards a revolver for the reliability. Thanks for the input.

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I would go with the .410 handgun/revolver. Taurus makes a good one. Several rounds available that can give you a "panic" shot with a pattern or a slug with some accuracy.

Just depends how much practice you want to do.

regardless of how much. If a worst case scenario comes up.. you will always wish you had some more practice.


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for light weight, go with a glock model 20 in 10mm, which will come with 15 round mags. Revolver will be heavy, unless you go with a titanium model in the big calibers which means they will kick like a mule. 357 magnum would be the smallest revolver I would go with, but would lean towards a 41 mag or even a 44 mag.

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Not sure about the Regs. on carrying slugs with birdshot might want to check on that. Just bought a used Glock g20 10mm and will be using as a woods gun for bear baiting and maybe deer hunting. Im not worried about what the gun looks like if it gets banged up and its throws a ton of lead very quick. Revolvers are heavier and Glock has a 10mm in a smaller model if you really think you need that much power in a smaller package. Judge is a good choice also but I haven't shot one yet. Handguns that are smaller are good for concealed carry might be alright just don't tuck it under a bunch of hunting clothes. I wouldnt want to have to dig for it when you really need it.

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Judge is a good choice also but I haven't shot one yet.

its also light.. I have shot .38 specials that are heavier than the Taurus Judge.

You'd think that firing a .410 round from a handgun would kick pretty hard. But it doesnt. The judge shoots very well.

Again.. my 2c

If your looking for a cannon. Go with the S&W 500 laugh lol !! If you miss you may at least knock a tree down and scare them away!

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