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Ice Leaders stickers, patch, & hat


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Thanks to Rick, I now have the artwork/file for the IceLeaders.com logo that is in the top left corner of this page.

Who of you would like a "bumper-sticker" sized sticker? A head count would be nice and if you think you would want one... or more. I will check to find the lowest cost in reproducing these items and post the costs + tax & shipping (please tell me if you have a good contact for this with great low prices, you may email me at [email protected]). Thanks.

Also... a IceLeaders.com hat and patch is in the works. As for me, I can not wait to have the IceLeaders.com logo on a winter hat!
FUN smile.gif
Dave Hoggard

Fishermen are catch-n on
Catch'n Tackle
For Bass, Walleye, Pike, Lakers, Trout, Panfish
Used by FishingMN Family

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Jim W.
A patch is nice as you can have "MOM" sew it on (or use the iron-on fabric tape to apply it)... without sending a garment off to an embroidry outlet. Saves $ for shipping and time.

Yep... I am on this like a "fat kid on a cookie". I'll have some costs to post soon... keep the head-count coming this way here on the forum.

I will sell these items thru Catch-N Tackle at cost + MN tax (if you reside in MN) + shipping.... as a "promotion". I'll have them up and on the catch-n.com site ASAP.
I do not think Rick will want a "commission" on these, but I'll check with him for sure.

I like a black hat for winter... same with you guys?

Dave Hoggard

Fishermen are catch-n on
Catch'n Tackle
For Bass, Walleye, Pike, Lakers, Trout, Panfish
Used by FishingMN Family

[This message has been edited by Catch'n (edited 08-29-2003).]

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Jim W.
Looking at the # of your total posts to date... I am going to owe you some change back with a hat, patch, and sticker!!!! smile.gifLOL

We may do a sand color (a light brown) as I can get a better deal if I order 50. I could use that color for my Catch-N Tackle summer hats.
Dave Hoggard

Fishermen are catch-n on
Catch'n Tackle
For Bass, Walleye, Pike, Lakers, Trout, Panfish
Used by FishingMN Family

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Things have progressed nicely on this effort.

Rick has jumped in with a lead on a nice vendor for hats!

Looks like we will be "covered" nicely.
Keep up the head count!

Dave Hoggard

Fishermen are catch-n on
Catch'n Tackle
For Bass, Walleye, Pike, Lakers, Trout, Panfish
Used by FishingMN Family

[This message has been edited by Rick (edited 10-09-2003).]

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Guys, Rick has had the ice Leaders logo digitized and we will soon be able to see the first test run on a hat... should be this week.
I will post information here soon on how to order the hats.
Dave Hoggard

Fishermen are catch-n on
Catch'n Tackle
For Bass, Walleye, Pike, Lakers, Trout, Panfish
Used by FishingMN Family

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Rick has had the Ice Leaders logo digitized and looks like we have a hat on the way!
I'll post a photo shoon & order info.

Stickers... I have found a place that will not charge us a digitizing fee and we can onesy twosy these... I'll post that order info soon too.

Patches are just sky high... and I would have to order way too many to get prices down... still working on a lower cost outlet.
Dave Hoggard

Fishermen are catch-n on
Catch'n Tackle
For Bass, Walleye, Pike, Lakers, Trout, Panfish
Used by FishingMN Family

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