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I don't recall seeing anywhere that would be appropriate for beaching 12 boats.

I think we ought to just fish straight through, but I already told the wife the tournament goes till 4. I think we should fish till 4. I hate giving up pre-approved fishing time. Everyone's gonna probably take a little time in their boats for lunch or a snack and maybe a trip to the biffy at the ramp anyway.

Gotta be a little flexible about the getting out of the boat rule, though.

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I had the same thoughts that it would be tough on that shoreline by the launch to get boats beached for lunch.

I think the idea on fishing straight through is a good one. I vote we do that. I wouldn't mind going until 4 either, but it doesn't make a big difference. That way everyone can take their own little break or whatever for lunch and still get 8 hrs. of fishing in.

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Well, my week took a little twist. My neihborhood got hit by a small tornado(microbuster or somethin) and we lost our power(just got it back),trees, fence, gutter, and oh yea, our truck got smashed. Almost took us out of the tourney but managed to get a bud of my bros to lend us his vehicle. So we're in, and we'll be heading to the lake tommorrow to do a little prefish.

As far as the weigh ins, it will be tough, but I like the idea of weighing in at both times, and having the people hang in the bay for the first weigh in and take turns, but of course we'll have to eat lunch in the boats, but if the wind isn't to bad it should be ok. I think one break for us and the fish in the livewell is a good idea. Well, I'll report on how I did tomorrow, #'s of course, no details wink.gif!

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Sorry to hear of your misfortune, glad to hear you'll still be able to fish this weekend though. Where do you live? The closest to us was Richfield, which got hit pretty good..

There are really only 2 spots along shore to pull a boat up at the ramp, and I'm concerned that people will be using those to launch (maybe not, I don't know how busy it will be at 11 a.m.).. I just don't want to tie the ramp up for others and I'm afraid this could turn into a real cluster.. Either way we go is fine, just as long as everyone knows what the program is. With the cool water this time of year the fish will be fine in the livewell all day, plus not all that many even weighed fish in at the first weigh-in last event. Either way will work for us, just as long as everyone knows what the program is. Good luck! You can email me with GPS coordinates to your top spots when you return today grin.gif

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Cool water?? We had 70 surface temp on Bemidji last weekend. Your pulling fish from the bottom of the lake which is probably 10-20 degress cooler depending on depth and sticking them in 70+ surface water for the entire day, now couple that with any pounding you do in the boat driving up and down the lake. I highly recommend a break on any and every lake we fish unless the lake is so big that it doesn't make sense. We have only not had breaks on two occasions, Vermillion and Rainy, but both were end of May beginning of June events with main lake temps in the low 50's to low 60's.

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Cool is a relative term. Bass, which have been a good percentage of fish weighed in, prefer 70 deg. water and will not have a problem with this temp. Water temp in the metro was 68 deg. yesterday, but I'm not going to debate the surface temps. They vary so much depending on sun, rain, etc. I don't feel that is an accurate gauge for this purpose.

I've fished many tourneys with 1 final weigh-in. In fact, just about all are structure this way, and the only time I've seen a problem is late August. In a 1700 acre lake, your not pounding them in 5 ft. waves or anything.

I do agree with the format of two weigh-ins, and think this is a good idea. The way the LETS rules are structered is flawed in my opinion and defeats the purpose. Only 5 teams even weighed fish in at the first weigh-in during the last event, and some of those teams did not weigh all of their fish (as is perefectly fine, we didn't weigh all of our fish in either). Everyone else kept them in the livewell until the end anyway. It isn't required to weigh the fish at the first weigh-in in the rules, so the way it is set-up it actually handicaps you as you are not able to cull fish once they are weighed in.

Either way we go is fine by me, just don't want to create a mess at the landing. There is not room for everyone at the landing unfortunately.

[This message has been edited by fishnAddict (edited 06-28-2003).]

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I was going to suggest that. I know the parking is limited down there, but if I recall it is a shallow area that could allow some more beached boats, or at least anchored boats if everyone can't get all the way to the shore.

Really your only looking for a 100 or so feet of shore line some where, there's got to be a place some where on that lake. You'd be surprised how little space 12-13 boats takes up along the shore.

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I think this calls for a vote. My vote is to skip the weigh-in and fish from 7-4. If you would like to weigh fish in, just call someone on the list and have the fish verified and released. If it were a mandantory weigh-in where all fish are weighed and released at 11, I'd maybe reconsider my vote. I don't feel that we have enough participation in the first weigh-in to make it worth the mess it will be on this lake.

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I would just hate to see a lot of croaked fish at the 4:00 weigh-in. There is definetly gonna be more fish this time. The northerns are very cooperative on this lake and there should be bass too.


Also if that south end boat launch is feasable it would be a lot less chance of being a cluster blank for weigh ins....... Ooh having brainstorm. If we had every parking space there than we couldn't get bothered by people launching or wanting out. Just a thought.

[This message has been edited by mistermom (edited 06-28-2003).]

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I thought I remember hearing that has 10 parking spots, but I could very well be wrong on that... I'm sure you will have a couple people out pretty early for bass as well. Either way, I'm not sure it would be wise to take all of the spots at a ramp for our event. We may still be able to use the shoreline as you suggested, but it may be difficult to beach some of the bigger boats on that shallow shoreline (without waders).

I guess it depends a lot on how good a livewell(s) everyone has. With proper room and circulation I don't see a problem. But that may not be a fair assumption to make.

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As far as the early wiegh-in, I don't know if people are as concerned for the fish as they might seem. If you happen to have a few dead fish, take them home and clean them. I like having the hour break to B.S. and "talk shop". I could really care less one way or the other about having two weigh-ins. I would just like to have a slotted time to break and get together for a bit until we head back out. Just my $.02 I know others feel the same way. What ever we do is fine as long as we are all on the same page.

[This message has been edited by wounded minnow (edited 06-28-2003).]

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Fished this morning. Got there at about 10, and left at about 2. Fishing was a lot worse this time, only managing a few small bass and pike. Think the weird weather played a hand in the bite today. The lot was full at 10, but I doubt we'll have a problem at 7. Also, at no point during the 4 hours I was there(including 11 o clock) was the boat ramp busy. Actually, I never saw anybody put in or take out so the optional weigh in wouldn't be crowded, but dennis, you get the short end of the stick there if you have to weigh people in while others fish!

OK, so we launch at the north access off mayberry right? Start is 7, be there by around 6:30? Optional weigh in at 11, final weigh in at 4? Just getting my facts straight. See you all on the water!

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This is what were going to do.Since there is some members concerned about weihing in at the break we will have a weigh in at the north ramp(Mayberry Trail).
You will come in and weigh your fish if you would like at 11:00 sharp. One boat at a time.If the shore is congested just wait untill a league member leaves then land your boat.As soon as your fish are weighed you may leave and have lunch out on the water.Keep fishing if you would like.As soon as all the boats that wanted to weigh in are weighed I am out of there too! smile.gif
This will not be a mandatory weigh in.If you do not want to weigh in you do not need to show up at 11:00.
At 4:00 you may load your boat before you bring your fish to be weighed.This way we will not jam up the ramp just the parking lot! smile.gif
I think this will work best.

Minnesota River Guided Fishing

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