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Medical kit for the gun dogs,what to buy??


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I was in Gander today looking at the kit they sell for $40.00, it sure seems a high price for just a few items.

Online at Gundogsupply they have another kit by the same company that has a lot of stuff but it is $79.99.

I don't have a problem spending this amount to insure my dog will make it to the vet.
But I think there is a better kit out there or at least some one here has a personalized kit they use.

I am looking for info as to what to buy and put in the kit,and where to get the stuff at.

Thanks, Benny

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Gundog magazine used to sell a kit also but I don't know if they do anymore. Foster & Smith probably do too although they're usually overpriced. Also don't forget to add stuff needed for human first aid. Much of the human first aid stuff can be used on dogs as well. Also add vet-wrap to the list, bacitracin, and saline or some other medical solution to rinse out wounds. I've learned from experience that it's also smart to have a de-skunking kit with as well.

De-skunk recipe: 1 quart of 3 percent hydrogren peroxide (available from any drugstore), 1/4 cup of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate for you science types) and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap, such as Ivory. Mix and immediately apply to the stinky pet. Rinse thoroughly with tap water.

If you have a good vet you could ask what they recommend as well.

[This message has been edited by gspman (edited 10-13-2004).]

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In addition to gsp's items I also have a powder material to stop major bleeding (used by the military) called Quick Clot.
Also try to have an idea of vet's in the area ahead of time.

A note on the homemade solutions using Peroxide - don't mix it ahead of time, it will blow up like a shook up can of pop. I carry Skunk-Off just in case.

[This message has been edited by bigdog (edited 10-13-2004).]

[This message has been edited by bigdog (edited 10-13-2004).]

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Peroxide and a little salt is good to have on hand in case your dog gets into (eats) something it shouldn't. Couple caps of peroxide down the throat and a dash of salt on the tongue and he/she will be hurling in no time.

I had to use this trick when my lab swiped a pound of bacon off the counter. Saved his life and me a couple hundred bucks at the vet!

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There is a great HSOforum called Gundogdoc.com that has tons of good info on it. There are a lot of articles in the library.

There is also an extensive list of things you should have in your gun dog med kit. You can get it if you click on this link. It will be in the library section.


French Spaniel

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