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Puppy Pictures


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Ok guys, lets post of pictures of these great new pups! I know many on here who have gotten new pups over the last couple of weeks. Here is one of Brady and a link to our new web page that I am working on. Be sure to visit the photos page as there are more pictures of him there. I hope to have one of him on point here in a few days.



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Pic of my hunting buddy of 2 years. He is really starting to figure it out. Almost caught a couple roosters last year. My first dog ever and all my training early on is coming together.

[This message has been edited by jeffyo45 (edited 05-11-2004).]

[This message has been edited by jeffyo45 (edited 05-11-2004).]

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That would be cool if my pup had silver eyes. They are brown though, I think it was the sun shining in his eyes that made them look silver. I sometimes wish he wasn't so good looking of a pup. My wife babies the dump out of him. Oh well. He still busts cattails with the best of them. He used to have an all black nose like in the picture.

Your english setter is a handsome looking pup. I hope to own one some day but the wife doesn't like spotted dogs for some odd reason. Pretty much rules out most of the pointers and setters. I have a buddy here at work that has an english setter and seems to be picking up the grouse hunting pretty well.

[This message has been edited by jeffyo45 (edited 05-12-2004).]

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