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dog bedding

g'eye pilot

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Wondering if anyone has some thoughts on what the best (spring/summer) dog bedding is for an outside hound? I have a lab if that makes any difference. You hear about everything from straw to cedar chips. Seems we are finally transitioning to warmer weather. And obviously there is less of a need for warmth. But I have really yet to find the ideal material for inside the dog house.

Thanks in advance.

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I just dumped enough inside the house to give a few inches of bedding. I have a Dog Den 2 from K9 Kondos, so it keeps the bedding inside it. I should take a picture of my kennel set up,..I'm pretty proud of this set up partly because I feel it will out last me on this earth! A little up front cost for the house and the flooring, but I think the life of this set up is going to be excellent!

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There is an oil in the cedar chips that is toxic to animals. Using the bedding to stuff a dog bed or something is fine but not direct contact. Use pine or hardwood shavings for that type of bedding.

Northern usually has dog beds cheap. 12 bucks or less and if you use the coupon on the bag darn near free. They have a removable cover that you can wash too.

Maybe just a couple of old pillows. The trouble is they tear them up sometimes.

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Where can I find more information about Red Cedar chips being used as a contact bedding and causing problems???

I can't find anything about that on the web, curious to read more about that. As I know many who have used cedar chips for years with now problems.

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Thanks for the info,..interesting reading, but the one thing I took from this is that most if not all the research has been conducted on small animals (rats, mice & rabbits). Does any one have any first hand experience with the use of cedar or pine shavings? It looks like this CAREFresh is an easily alternative and I will probably just get some of that when I run out of the cedar shavings.

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I'm using this inside a Dog Den 2, completely sealed, and I doubt any rain could even get in through the swinging door. In fact it was bone dry in there after that 4.5" of rain we got the other night here in Belle Plaine.

So what is everyone using for bedding inside a dog house??

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We just brought our lab pup in for some shots and we asked the vet about cedar chips. She says she never heard this was bad for dogs, she uses them herself.
These tests are done on rats and small animals so I dont know if it would harm dogs. But it is something to think about.

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