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Flathead Catfish Photo Gallery


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Nope Ryan nothing new for me my boat is down and so am I just pulled the motor off the boat and gonna start a rebuild soon now I have to do that 4 letter word, work again so I hope I can get my other boat going by the weekend waiting for parts for that one as well.

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Thanks! I was fishing by myself, and just couldnt get a good picture, and I just gave up, as I didnt want to keep the fish out of the water to long. I do have about 10 pictures of its tail, the clouds, the side of my boat, and a couple of me with half the fish. Kinda sucks that with my largest, I didnt end up with a very good picture to keep.

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these flats just keep getting bigger. did anyone catch one at 50 inches last year? I check this forum regularily (even though i've never wet a line for a flat in my life) and don't recall any 50 inchers caught last year although i remember quite a few high 40's. Awesome that they're growing and awesome fish.

I had the same problem with my largest musky. I was by myself and couldn't get a great picture. Took one put her in the water then took another and put her back and she swam strong. I figured it was worth a shot. Oh well though like Minnesnowta said, the memory is really what counts and having any picture at all just makes it that much sweeter.

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Here is my sisters first ever flathead and by far the largest fish she has ever caught before this it was like a 21in northern. She reads in this forum all the time and is always saying she cant believe the size of the cats you guys catch. I know its hard to tell or even guess without measurement but to me the fish seems bigger then the scale said so help me out with some guessing. I got another pic if you thnk you need a better one


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Yah it came out at 32. I have yet to catch one over 30 myself. In fact that is the first one over 30 I have seen but have seen 28-29 It just seemed so much larger 3-4 pounds differance. Oh well still a big fish and was fun. It was also the first time she ever held a fish but that was the limit couldnt get her to kiss it laugh

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