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I'm getting my ps3 in the mail today. What kind of cool things can this machine do? I heard before that you would be able to use it as a DVR (tivo).

Also, what are your screen names for online play? Mine will be hoggs22 if it's available.

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I havent heard about the DVR thing, but will definitely be checking into that. There is countless things you can do with them!

There's the obvious Blu-Ray Player, Wireless Internet or wired capabilities, depending on the model you got, you can play PS2 games, use it as a PC for internet, store videos, photos and all sorts of stuff on it. If you have a PSP, you can sync it to your PS3 so when you're away and you have a wireless connection somewhere you can sync back to your PS3 from anywhere. There's so many things you can do it's almost insane. Just the fact it has a Blu-Ray player is almost worth it in itself. Things are heavy as a concrete block though lol, but the best thing about it Grand Theft Auto is coming out in 1 week from today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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 Originally Posted By: Central Bassman
Wireless Internet?? I have never heard that before??

I'm not sure I'm following you here. PS3's have wireless internet adapters built it (Unless you have the original 20GB model) meaning you can sit there and surf the web on it. You just have to have a wireless router obviously to broadcast your wireless signal!@

Never played Warhawk, Im not a big Online gamer, but I hear its a fun one.

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To play music? You can load music directly into the ps3. If it's plugged into the router, you can just download Tversity for free and your music can play from the computer. I believe that windows media player will also do this.

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CB, if you're talking about the Wireless Internet then yes yours has built-in wireless capabilities. If you dont have a wireless router, you can certainly hook it up by just plugging in a network cable from your router to the back of the PS3 to obtain internet. You need to go through a simple setup in the Network Connections screen. It's located somewhere on the left column of the home screen, you need to scroll down to find it. Then once you do that, if memory serves me correctly, the Internet Icon is right above the Game icon and Playstation Network Icons on the 2nd from the right column on the home screen.

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CB, the registering part is just so when you're signed on to the Playstation Network and you post scores, play online etc. it uses your username you choose, kind of like registering on here. The playstation Network is a whole different thing than the actual Internet on the PS3, on the Playstation Network, you can download updates for games, like Guitar Hero, Call of Duty etc. for FREE or some cost money. The internet is just what it's like on a PC, there's two different icons, 1 for Internet and 1 for Playstation Network. I think if you go to PS3.com, you can register your PS3 there as well.

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 Originally Posted By: Central Bassman
Do you need to register it??

I'm not quite sure, I just did cause it was free, but I think you do have to to go to the Playstation Network, but you shouldn't have to to just search the good old interlink.

What kind of games are you into anyway? Shooters? Sports? Role Playing?

Call of Duty 4 is unreal, but pretty short if you play the Normal Single Player, but only 5 more days til the real deal GTA IV drops!

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 Originally Posted By: Central Bassman
Shooter and Sports games. I play Socom a lot online

Anything else i should know Jake??

I'd suggest just going through the whole main screen to see what options, account setup and other menus there are to familiarize yourself with the PS3. It basically is already setup, do the system updates when they say you need them, otherwise they just keep prompting you to do them. Games - Army of Two is a rather cool shooter game, you use 2 soldiers on the same team and swap soldiers to use different weapons and to snipe and all sorts of stuff. It starts out in Somalia then goes from war zone to war zone from Somalia to Iraq, to Afghanistan to a few other I cant remember. I would definitely check out Guitar Hero if you have the chance, at first I wasn't into it all, but man that game is addicting. Just make sure after tomorrow you have a nice comfortable couch to sit on and set an alarm clock lol, because if you get GTA 4 which I'm assuming you will be, you'll pass 8 hours before you even realize it. I've had many a days when I started paying GTA at 4 or 5 in the afternoon and all the sudden it's 330 AM lol.

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Hey, have you guys had any problem playing burned dvd's on PS3? I have an 80 gig ps3 and am trying to play sony dvd's and it just sits and spins. Works just fine in a sony dvd player, but not the ps3.

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