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Pitch fork after dark can work. I thought my dad was crazy when he stomped down their tunnels, then he came back 15 minutes later and repeatedly speared the areas that had been pushed back up. After 2 or 3 tries none of the tunnels were being used showing that the little buggers were destroyed. I was impressed at how easy it was. One key is to walk softly when you approach them because they will get away if they feel you walking nearby.

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Smoke bombs. He a client last summer with them. He disagreed with me that his problem was moles. So I convinced him to try smoke bombs. The little buggers popped out a few minutes after the smoke started.

And if you wish have the cylinder choke ready on the old 870 to make sure they never come back.

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The spikes traps work but I have always have very good luck with the loop traps. One good thing (and bad maybe) is one mole can make ALLOT of runs so when you think you have allot of moles you may one have one.

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