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It's on (updated with photos 4/22/08)

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Deadhead, how do you fish those? I've caught a ton of carp on the fly, but either when they're surface feeding or when I've been sight fishing. Never fished nymphs or other such patterns for them. You blind casting or sight fishing?

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 Originally Posted By: goblueM
Deadhead, how do you fish those? I've caught a ton of carp on the fly, but either when they're surface feeding or when I've been sight fishing. Never fished nymphs or other such patterns for them. You blind casting or sight fishing?

I've been dead drifting the nymphs along current seams adjacent to slackwater. I was sort of sightfishing them earlier, when the water was more clear, but due to the recent snowmelt, the water is cloudy, so I've been blind nymphing them like you would trout.

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I hit the mother lode yesterday for redhorse. I caught a ton of silvers, a couple goldens, and a shorthead. The goldens and shorthead were both firsts. At one point the bite was so hot that I caught three silvers on back to back to back casts. I was hoping to catch a greater redhorse for the sweep, but no luck.

I also was able to add a few buffalo, a quillback, and several carp to the mix. The channel cats were crazy hot yesterday. I couldn't keep them off my bait, they were almost like fighting off the dink sunnies. A few approached eater size, but most were on the small size.

I ended the day with nearly 50 fish to hand. It was an outstanding day on the water.

common carp


silver redhorse


silver redhorse


silver redhorse


shorthead redhorse


golden redhorse


golden redhorse


common carp


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Me and my brother went out today, unfortunately I didn't get my fly rod out...I would rather not deal with the trees right now. We caught a white sucker, many red horses, i think 3 different kinds...2 for sure, and a couple carp just off a river inlet on the mississippi. Pretty fast action but now it should just get better from here on out \:\)

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I went out yesterday with my fly rod and caught 2 nice carp on a rusty "leech" pattern.

The water had got a little murky with the recent rain storm.

I could only make out dark spots roaming along the shore.

I switched to a pink scud to try to get some better action, but I couldn'e get it past the sunfish.

The sunfish are fun too, but not as fun as the carp.

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a couple more whiteys from today:



I had a couple hours to burn this morning before an appointment. After scouting for some new spots, I returned to my trusty old spring sucker spot one last time before they closed the section of river, due to walleye spawning, later this afternoon. I managed to catch about a dozen or so fish before I had to leave. Caught on a size 8 beadhead prince nymph.

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