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How many of you make your own bait?

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And what are your fav flavors/ recipes? and maybe...just maybe, you could share them, mine is by far as follows:

2 parts yellow (NOT WHITE!!!!!!!!!)cornmeal

1 part flour

1 part sugar

1 large "wild strawberry" jello

1 packet of strawberry kool-aide

3/4 bottle of aritficial vanilla flav. or the whole bottle, idc

enough water to bring it 2gether, start with a cup and move up in 1/4 cup intervals, basically just throw everything in a bowl and dig in with ur hands, just like grandmas meat loaf, then seperate in2 4 equal portions, and dump in2 some new, yes new socks. idk bout you but my socks are permanately scared and carp can smell good so... anyways boil them from any where from 20-25 mins, depending on how big your feet are. they should be hard about half way through, maybe a lil less. then while still at least a lil hot take the old mashed potatoe blender to them and go 2 town, let it cool some what and put in2 sandwhich bags and compress, name and date and freeze them, ive also found that if you freeze then thaw in the fridge it olny gets better wuth time, especially the consistency. Good luck and if you get hungry and didnt bring lunch it also doesnt taste 2 bad, also another reason 2 use new socks sick.gif

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Wheatie balls

Half box of crushed up wheaties...

1 - half cup of water

mix with hands or potater masher until super pasty...roll into little balls...the carp love it,

I've seen some folks add strawberry soda pop to this instead of water and have had success doing so as well.

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I use plain oatmeal. Caring a zip lock bag of dried oatmeal in your box. When ready pour some in your hand, dip it in the river squezze out excess water. Just put it on the hook. Cheap and easy. I caught a ton using this on the rum river last year.

Take care


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got this "recipe" out of in fisherman of all places,

one cup flour

one cup corn meal

one tablespoon cinnamon

one tablespoon sugar

(not quite sure on the measurments, i add one cup of flour and corn meal and from there i add the cinnamon and sugar untill the mix is real dark and smells strongly of cinnamon and sweet (thats right, taste it,just like oatmeal)

mix with some hot water and boil like oatmeal, too dry add some more water, too wet add some more corn meal, then just ball up on your hook and your good to go.

this is by far my favorite carp bait reciepe, i don't think i have ever been skunked with it before, you usually have to rebait after awhile cause it will disolve away but it works great

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I make my own carp bait. Sometimes even super simple things like draining out half the water from a can of corn and adding a bag of jello or some vanilla.

I always keep a bag of bulk oatmeal in my kit with a box or two of jello or koolaid. Oatmeal balls work awesome(ly). I also usually have a batch or two of boilies in the freezer. My kids love the cheap parmessan cheese, so I save the plastic containers and fill up four or five of them with boilies. I'll grab one out of the freezer before I go out. Unless It is super hot and I leave them in my truck too long, they will last a long time. I just try to get them in the fridge when I get home.

One recipie I have been using.... if I can remember

2 cups corn meal

1 cup flour

1/4 cup powdered soy milk

1 tbsp karo

1/2 cup sugar

1 package strawberry jello

some vanilla if you want

2 eggs

some red food coloring

blend it all up into a stiff dough, make about a gazillion little balls.

bring a big pot of water to a roiling boil. Add a couple handfulls and boil for 90 seconds or so. take them out and drain them and set them out to dry on a cookie sheet or something. for this sized batch you should boil about 5 or 6 groups. If you were to put them all in at once, they might get all goobered up.

Do an internet search for boilie recipes. Man there are some really hard core recipes. This one is really cheap and easy. But around here I guess I use them for kicks and to learn about new baits. They might be over kill, as corn, bread and oatmeal balls really kick butt.

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