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Eagle Sonar with GPS question?



I'm looking for a graph with a gps that I can use lake chips in, I was checking out the Eagle Fishelite 480, and the Eagle Seacharter 480DF, they are priced very well compared to some of the other units, but I don't want to make a mistake and buy something cheaper that doesn't cut it. I'm new to the GPS graph world, so any input you could give would be appreciated.

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2 answers to this question

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Eagle are essentially the same as Lowrance, with 3 or 4 main exceptions. They have a few less features (all the main ones are still there except the ability to network units together), they have less power (not an issue unless you're fishing 50+ fow), the screens are slightly smaller (still very close), and they are cheaper. I think Eagle is a great way to go for someone looking for a quality unit with a lot of features and functionality --- they're good units at good prices.

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color is really nice for the graph part. less important for the GPS, in my opinion. If you can swing the extra $150 or so for color I think it would be a good investment. Well, maybe not exactly an investment.... but useful purchase.

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