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Does a Hydrofoil really save gas?

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I was paging through my new Cabelas marine catalogue and was looking at hydrofoils. All brands say they save gas. A couple of brands tout 10 to 40 %. While I think that 40% is hype, even a 10% savings over a season would amount to some significant savings for me. More would be even better.

In 30 years of boating running small and big rigs I have never used a hydrofoil. Are they a plus for performance? Do they save gas as advertised?

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I've never had one on my boats but have been in a couple of boats that have them. I think the only way they could save gas, at least as much as they advertise, is if your boat is set up REALLY poorly right now and won't plane properly. My opinion is that a boat that is set up correctly - enough horsepower, motor at the right mounting height, right prop - should not need a hydrofoil.

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 Originally Posted By: PerchJerker
My opinion is that a boat that is set up correctly - enough horsepower, motor at the right mounting height, right prop - should not need a hydrofoil.

I agree with this sentiment 100%!


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hydrofoils are designed to help lift an underpowered (or over-propped) boat. the reason they tout the gas savings is you can run the boat at a slower speed yet stay on plane...thus the savings. essentially, they are a "band aide" for a set-up issue

it is all in the set-up of the boat...right prop, right mounting height and right balance is all that is needed.


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