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Game On !!

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Those same panfish that have been sniffers and lookers in recent weeks were inhaling the bait yesterday...you gotta love this time of year! Water clarity is way down with all the runoff and melting, but when they showed up on the vex they were going to bite. Kept 17 really nice gills, but threw back at least 3 times that many. Hope the shoreline hangs in there through Easter weekend...plenty of ice once I got out there.

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We went out today on Okoboji and could not even get a bite. Saw Perchpounder and he told us that they caught an entire bucket full. I just don't know what we are doing wrong. There has to be secret that nobody is telling us about...

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I took my dad out on Saturday 3/15. We looked hard before we found any panfish on Smiths Bay. The fish have moved shallow. The water there is still crystal clear and they are not hitting real real well yet. I was using a gold jig and he was using a green/red/yellow jig. We didnt see a blugill until 2pm and left at 4:30 with 26 so I guess thats not so bad. So many dinks, a decent one would come in and 3 dinks would spook it away or get to your bait first. My dad probably caught 50 fish and kept 10 because he catches the dinks. I dont think we saw one over 9". I caught the 2 biggest ones I saw and they were like 8 3/4". Also saw a 50" muskie with a 12" bass in its mouth, that was pretty cool.

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I assure you that there are no untold secrets here. The only thing I could have done was to give you my setup which I only have two of those and they are only available by ordering them or I would have done that too. I will help you catch fish someday there is still a couple of the best weeks of ice fishing left don't give up yet.

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Picked about about 15 nice gills again on Sunday, but no great secrets here either. Yellow or blue shrimpo with a wax worm. Got a few on Gulp waxies, but the real stuff was better. Jigging by just shaking the rod tip was a big help...seemed to attract fish onto the flasher and trigger a strike for the neutral fish.

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As of Saturday there was still 26+" ice and lots of trucks driving around. There was roughly 25 trucks out in the center of Big Spirit. Of course use caution but we didn't get rain just snow and highs forcasted in the low 40's yet this week with rain/snow chances through next week.

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There was still plenty of ice on both lakes last weekend. It was still thick enough to go over the flighting on my auger. There were 15 trucks off of marble beach on Saturday a few of them even ventured from there to anglers bay. Im not too sure about that but driving onto the bays should still be good the middle of the lake im not too sure about.

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Hey bren welcome to the site. The action has slowly been picking up but its still pretty hit or miss. The fish are still pretty picky to say the least especially for this time of year. We caught our fish on Miller's bay last weekend but it wasn't easy. I did notice that there were a people on little emersons and several people fishing the grade where a lot of sorting is required.

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Bren we caught our fish in Smith Bay right by the offshore side of those skating rinks they made for the Iowa games. Has anybody been to Emersons? I am gonna try the North End if I can get up to the lakes this weekend.

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I think Never would be closer muc, although I will use the occaisional euro when my jig is too small for plastics. I seen a few trucks on little emersons last weekend but I haven't heard a report. I think they were part of the Wisconsin crew that was on the lakes last weekend. We had better luck fishing the weedbed south of the main access on Emersons this year fwiw.

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