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Turkey Talk...........


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I'm not sure exactly where I'm hunting yet, but I know its in that area. A buddy of mine is hunting Le Sueur too.

LEP, thanks for the offer. I'll see how things go. If we don't get anything on the gun hunt, my little sister will come with me while I bowhunt. Thats when I might need some help.

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 Originally Posted By: 1runhotshot
Probably not, I did spend wayyyy to much the other night for a $10.00 thermos though at Caribou and the Turkey banquet. Maybe you were there???


actually I was. My son was the scholarship recipient this year. I was working the pull tab raffle and I'm the president of our turkey chapter.

We're always looking for new committee members to bring some fresh ideas to the table so we can keep the numbers of those attending the banquet. If you're interested, we'll be having a follow up meeting in the next few weeks.

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