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Planting grass

Eric Wettschreck

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You can try dormant seeding if we get another snowstorm. Get out just before it starts to snow and throw the seed down.

When the snow melts, it'll push the seed down into the soil.

It's not going to germinate before it gets warm enough.

Other than that, when the soil temp gets to be about 50-55 degrees get out there and start throwing it down.

If you have alot of area to repair, a bag of starter fertilizer will be good. If it's just a handful here and there, then just the seed, no fertilizer.

What about taking the pieces and just putting them back???

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The reason I said to wait and see if it snows again, is the snow will cover the seed, which will keep the birds from eating it.

If you don't have anything to cover it with, then there's the chance that your seeding will literally "go to the birds".

One other thing. If it's just skimmed off the top, where the root structure isn't affected, I wouldn't worry about it, it'll come back.

If it' chunks out of the soil then you're going to have to redo it.

Just becareful not to damage what existing root structure there is still left behind.

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