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Broken Rod-Making it into a retractable butt?

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Ok, so, my favorite medium action spinning rod got broken- it is one I made about 6 years ago. It broke just above the first eye.

Anyways, what I am thinking of doing is cutting it down and then having a retractable butt section- where i put another rod up into the rod from the end and then put the guides on. Pete Maina has a series of these out for musky fishing and they are casting rods.

Anyone ever done this for spinning rods? What do I need to do to the 2 rods? Any reinforcement needed? I have looked at the maina series and it seems that friction is what keeps them in place.

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I have used the pete maina series musky fishing, a friend has one, and they are called retractable butt...My guess is telescoping maybe the same?

My rod broke about 2' past the handle.

What it would be is I would take my existing butt section to about a foot past the handle.

Remove the butt cap, take another rod and slide it inside this butt section.

When it is tight that is where I would stop.

Then I could put new eyes and tip on the new part.

Just wondering if they needed to be reinforced at all?

I suppose I could just add the new part and glue it all together and not make it retractable or telescoping.

What steps are needed to do that?

Same thing as above, just glue it in?

I've made my own rods, just never fixed one that is broken like this.

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You are going to create stress points on the blank where the blank is not reinforced. Blank makers make the blank thicker in spots where they believe it will receive more stress. I won't go as far as to say it will fail, but you will be stressing the blank where it is not built to take that stress. Those joints you are making will create different stress points.

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