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4th of July

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I know this is a bit early and off topic but, what goes on on the 4th there. I wanted to be there then because I was hoping there would be a show at the light house or a similar area. What do you do on the 4th?

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I'm not sure what's going on for the 4th for us!

Do you mean Split Rock Lighthouse, north of Two Harbors? There aren't any fireworks up that way except in Two Harbors. But if you didn't visit it last year-you should go this year! And Gooseberry Falls which is right on the way up Hwy 61.

Duluth has a pretty nice display though. When my son was little we would take him down there. Parking is a pain in Canal Park so we walked from downtown Duluth to get in. I'm not sure how far but I'll guess it was about 3/4 mile. Cloquet also has fireworks.

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Best place to be on the fourth in Minnesota is the Eveleth Street dance your bound to have a wild and crazy trip and the light show is spectacular! We may have just a few small towns around here but we know how to party the only way there is Iron range style!

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If you were still planning on staying in the Cloquet area, the Iron Range is around 1.5-2 hours north also. You may just want to run over to Cloquet's festivities so you can get your boys down before midnight! I can let you know about times of parades/fun when it comes closer too. grin.gif

Winter is back today! We're supposed to get up to 5 inches of snow today! How's the temps in Deltona?

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Today isnt too bad 75. feels alittle warmer. Wednesday is gonna stink, at 86. Its been warm in the day and cold at night so everyone I know is sick. Hurricane season is just around the corner in June. Of course they have their predictions of how many that are always wrong, I dont know why they bother. I am NOT rebuilding my house again so if one hits here, I'm walking away. If you look at the 2004 hurricane season and see where all 3 hurricanes crossed. I was just alittle north-east of there. Here is a site, click on 'all hurricanes'

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Boy, and all you asked was hows the weather. Sorry I got carried away.

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Yes it would, in a way I kinda want one but not the hassle. I would love to have a blizzard over a hurricane you dont have to worry about the suprise tornado. (just to make it interesting)

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If you want to drink and party than hit Eveleth for sure. I spent many of my younger 4th of July's on the range and I can remember a few still.

If you want a good show with a great view of lake superior, the lift bridge and lighthouse than Duluths Canal Park is the place to be.

We take my boat out and watch the fireworks in the Harbor and thats nice if its warm out. If not we park at Barkers Island and sit in the back of the truck and drink cocoa ( pepermint as needed) and snack.

If you can find a spot the view from Skyline parkway is awesome.

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I think the back of the truck with cocoa (and peppermint of course) would be a great idea, especially since I'm sure I'll be pretty cold. then after kids go to sleep maybe a few drinks back at the cabin. But floating around the harbor makes me want to bring the boat again. The only problem there is it takes way to much gas to get it up there and back.

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Eveleth you would definitely need a babysitter after the fireworks but its worth paying to stay out for that night. Honestly you will have a blast no matter where you came from, who you are, or who you know there's always fun to be had at the Eveleth street dance.

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