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Birch forest shots?

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Last fall on a trip back to MN I realized I really missed the birch forests - there don't seem to be any this far west - but I didn't have an opportunitiy to photograph any. So, my request and plea is for any birch shots, landscape, wildlife whatever you have to share.


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I've got a little bit of stuff in the archives that I'll look for if I have a chance. The only thing I have handy is this grab shot I took last fall of a spike buck with some birch trunks in the background. Hope this will hold ya until you can get a good "fix"!


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Thanks finnbay - we don't have whitetails out here either grin.gif, plenty of blacktail and mulies but I haven't seen a whitetail in the wild since the drive out to MN.

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Agreed, great shots guys! Thank you.

Judging by the number of views on the thread it appears I'm not the only one who likes birch trees. grin.gif

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