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Bass Tourney's

Steve Eddicus

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GD-I'm scratching my head... I guess I dont understand your question? Upper end Circuts? Generally, the higher the entry, the more I would consider them, "Upper end"... So, look at the entry fee and the pay out.. the higher those are, the more higher level angers it will attract.

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There are a lot of circuits not associated with any thing at the state or national level so the comparison is apples to oranges. BASS has some grass root level that someone here should be able to tell you how to "move up".

Dietz is correct that with higher entry fees (and payouts)usually comes with higher overall competition.

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IMHO - Anything that has Denny's on it, Anything that is associated with Lake Minnetonka, Gull, Whitefish Chain, Mississippi River, Silverado, BASS weekend series, Super Slam, Big Bass Bonanza, Fishers of Men, Camp Confidence, Reel Team, or has an entry fee of more than $150.00 Any of the afore mentioned you will be swimming with the sharks. Look for single events, memorial T's and weeknight leagues for a easy way to get acclimated to the tournament scene. A bass club is even better. Even in those, you will be competing with some very good sticks. (I am sure I have left out some very competitive Tournament trails and I in no way shape or form meant to slight them)

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pretty much any tournament you fish there will be guys fishing it that have fished those lakes for years, if you just like to compete or want to see how you rank against these guys its very fun I think. I am addicted to fishing tournys andI dont think I can give it up, I fish mid-range tournys.

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Green Diver

camp confidence $650.

superslam $1000.

Sharas $1000.

Minnesota State American Cancer Championship $150.

these are some that still have openings

Lots of one day stuff for $150.

Even some of smaller stuff gets best teams as guys are using those for prefish for seasonal events.

Check Classic Bass or tournament section here for dates and costs

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I appreciate the comments. From what I gather, there are a handful of circuits at the higher, mid and weekend stuff so to speak. I guess that is pretty much what I came up with on my searches. I can't commit the time this summer, but next year I would like to be more involved in a circuit. By the sounds of it, things fill up pretty fast. That's why i like to start my research a year in advance. I might just get involved with a one nighter during the week. It's fun and all I can commit to this year. Thanks again.


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 Originally Posted By: grab the net
IMHO - Anything that has Denny's on it, Anything that is associated with Lake Minnetonka, Gull, Whitefish Chain, Mississippi River, Silverado, BASS weekend series, Super Slam, Big Bass Bonanza, Fishers of Men, Camp Confidence, Reel Team, or has an entry fee of more than $150.00

Why does there need to be so many? (Can't we all just get along? couldn't resist)

The broad list of tourneys only filters out the competition as everybody can't fish all of them, so you're left to pick and choose.

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