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Ratio for pepper sticks?

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I am going to make some pepper sticks this weekend with venison and I am wondering what is a good ratio of venison:pork and/or beef????? I could always go with 50:50 ven:pork but I like the sticks a little less greasy. I know this sometimes depends on the recipe but im looking for some guidelines.

Also, what type of casing works best for the snack sticks?

I ususally use pork or sheep casings for my sausage but I would like to know what has worked good for fellow FM'ers.

Thanks for any input!

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I used a recipe supplied by a meat market. 70/30 venison, Pork. Turned out great. In fact it was Von Hanson's . I went in and told them how much venison I had and they mixed the seasonings and weighed out the pork and supplied the casings. They turned out great.

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depending on the pork trim is the key thing, because I use my own venison and pork I use 60 to 40 about. In other words, 15# venison and 10# pork, our pork is trimmed rather well too. But they always turn out great, I use this for breakfast sausage and all other types, fresh or smoked, we make. This also allows you to have more milage for your venson. We all have different thoughts and that is what makes this great!


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