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Bass gear at the muskie expo


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Hiya -

I know there are a few closet muskie fishermen that hang out here, so... If you hit the Muskie Expo this weekend be sure to stop by the Professional Edge booth. Keith will have a bunch of his custom bass rods there. Keith and I have been messing around with blanks for the past several weeks and I think he has some pretty nice stuff set to go. What's really cool is the Syncork handles - lighter than cork, can shape it like cork, and you can't hurt the stuff. If you're there, stop by.


Rob Kimm

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Hi Rob, I will be at the Muskie Expo this weekend so I will make sure to stop by the Professional Edge booth and check out your custom bass rods. The new Syncork handles sounds interesting!

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I think messing around is a bit of an understatement.....they worked on this line of rods extensively to meet the bass angler's needs!

RK & Pro Edge have assembled a line of rods that has them both pretty darn excited, they've kept me out of the mix, so I'm also really looking forward to seeing the rods this weekend!

See you there, Chris

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Thanks everybody for stopping by from Fishing Minnesota. It was a very busy show.

People that stopped by kept saying I have never heard of you. Probably one reason for that...I have been building mostly musky rods for people over the last 5 years. I did build bass rods for several people including RK and some other writers that I met through the musky side but was never really interested in expanding the bass line because of my lack of interest in bass. RK was right when he said that will all change when you fish bass with one of the writer/guides/friend of mine on Leech. He was right. You bass guys got it figured out.

Thanks again.

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