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Life Vests

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Trying to downsize gear on my kayak. I seldom wear my life vest for causual paddleing and fishing. So its strapped to the bow.

My question is - how are the inflateable veats that hang around your neck in comparison to the traditional vest.

Anyone use these?

Would you recommend them?

They seem like a perfect solution for kayaks and canoes.

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I know many of the people who fish tournaments use them and like them alot. I don't know if it would get more interest in the open water area.

I'm looking to buy a new paddling vest, but I think I'm gonna stick with a foam filled vest. I still use it when floating around in the BWCA or when I swim with my daughters so the new ones wouldn't work for me.

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I have found you have to go out and find a life vest thats comfortable for what you do. When I bought my last vest for paddling in the BW and kayaking on Superior, I tried on vests all over. I got a bit crazy.

I ended up with a Lotus Designs. I think that they were just bought out by Patagonia. Shop around a bit.

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i have a sospenders life vest and i love it. it is never in the way and you almost forget you have it on. but like powerstroke said if you are in the boundary waters or you know you are going to get wet or even a good chance you will get wet i would stick with a traditional vest. my main concern with geting my gramps old canoe is wearing my sospenders cause once it inflates it is another 25 or so bucks for the recharge kit. so i may just pick up a small vest with just mesh material (no foam) on your shoulders for the canoe. hope this helps.

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