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you can use powder paint, use a heat gun(paint stripper) instead of flame. been awhile since i did it but i think for cure it was 275( mabe 250) degree's in an oven for 30-40 mins vs. 20 mins at 350 degrees. or just don't cure them if your just looking for color not longevity. but if thats the case go vinyl if you can find your colors. for glitter some clear lure topcoat with glitter and brushed or dipped and then hung up. watch for drips and take them off by dabbing with a lint free absorbant material. for the best results retrofit a rotisserie and turn them to prevent runs and drips. instead of dipping into powder you can take a paint brush dip it inside and tap the paint off with your finger so it falls onto the jig while it's hot. be carefull as it's easy to get it too thick.

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