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Did I just read that right........No Rolls here??


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Tom, did I just see a post that FM is now carrying No Rolls? That's awesome. I know a lot of guys use them and are always looking for where to get them. I'm more of a bank sinker guy myself, but I'm probably going to have to stock up now.

If this true, thanks for effort and hopefully everyone here will appreciate that we can now get them right here.

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Yes, the Outdoor Pro Store will be selling these no-rolls and in time for the Sturgeon Excursion. One can purchase these 3-4-5oz no rolls here. Hopefully very soon the Outdoor Pro store will have more items to offer so watch the store close for new items.


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ok, inexpierience questions here. being I have never used these, would these be more for flatties, or do you guys on the river use these for everything. just seems to me that these would maybe be more suseptable to snagging up than the round ones?????

What are the advantages of these for me fishing channels in a lake with no current?

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Well, they work great during the spring time river rage. They tend not to “roll”, hence the name. The true “no roll” gets hard to find during the season and FM selling them will make it easier to get them.

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In sales, you are bring it all home. In my book, that is genius work grin.gif. Good going. It also shows your true pride in cat fishing, which you are true memeber of.

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We placed the 3 through the 5oz online as these should cover your needs fairly well for the summer and faster running spring water.

If you were going to the Sturgeon Excursion, all three will work but I would tend to hedge towards the 4&5oz. For cat fishing in the spring with the faster current, I start out with a 5oz and as the flow slows, I go down in weight.

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You can use these for any catfish or sturgeon. Yes,if you get by some rocks or heavy brush, you can lose them and throughtout the summer I do lose some hooks and weights. One can also use bank sinkers and if there is enough demand, they could also get added in the future.

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Personally, I had my No Roll on for most of the season last year. I made it so I would loose my hook before the No Roll. With the No Roll, you will loose less than a pyramid or a bell sinker. IMO..

Good luck..

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