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Homemade tube call?


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I made a home made tube call and have a couple questions. I used a 35mm film canister w/ one end open and cut out a half moon shape in the cover. I stretched a piece of latex glove over one end and put the cut out cover over that. I'm getting a little yelp out of this, but was wondering if thicker latex would work better? Anyone tried doing this before?


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I have made them before. I did a special one day at my sons school we made 40 of them with the kids. Nothing like 40 kids blowing as hard as they can to get noise out of them!!! I just stopped at the local store and picked up latex gloves and cut them into strips, I think the amount of stretch on the latex controls some of the pitch. The boys still like to make one of those in 20 minutes in the garage once in a while. If you look on the NWTF HSOforum they have the instructions I have found it better to get rid of the lid and just cut the half moon in the base of the tube and then use a rubber band to hold the latex in place. They are alot of fun and I have used them before in the field with some success!!

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Brian the latex does make a differance, and so does the amount of space you leave, and how much you stretch it. Your problem is that you need the latex on top of the lid. On the ones I make I use O rings to hole it in place. the size of the call and how its shaped also makes a differance, but you are limited on that so its really not a factor.

Here is one I have to finish up but you can see how the latex is on the hole.



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Thanks for the tips guys. After taking your info, I can actually make a "kee kee" and "cluck" on my call. Although it sounds kind of high pitched. I'll have to do some more fine tuning. I'll have to try and find some different thicknesses of latex to try I think. I tried to use some from one of those bands they give you at physical therapy, but I think it was too thick. Any other tips on fine tuning this type of call?


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