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I searched all day for these

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Tried to find reelemin a gator today.I kid you not My daghter, boys and I went to the river, to lake monroe, and even a yucky spot I dont know where that was. Usually they are easy to find but not today. We looked everywhere but just when I was about to give up, there he was.............


We found him at the ..........


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AWESOME - what a magnificent creature. grin.gif

My only experience with a gator in the wild was on a golf course in Mississippi. When I realized it was a gator and not a log I decided to that let that ball go, and I took the drop penalty. crazy.gif

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Good choice, Tami. Gator likes no meal better than Yankee. Down in the bayou country they say you can tell when a gator chows down on a northerner. They say the gator Yankee burp is so foul it drives bassboats aground and sends small southern children screaming to their parents. grin.gifgrin.gif

Were you still able to par the hole or were you stuck with bogey or, GASP, double bogey! grin.gifgrin.gif

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