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fish fryer oil filters

beer batter


Was a fish fry recently where they were frying out of a propane turkey fryer but using the smaller fish fry pot. When it was over they pulled out this funnel that was about a foot across and stuck HUGE filter like what you'd use in a coffee pot - only 3 times the size.

They poured the oil back in the cannister through the funnel/filter and it was almost as clear as when they put it in.

Where does a guy get these kind of HUGE filters and funnels?

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Leave it to the guy in the SW to think up something like that. Eric, ya just can't keep outta her underwear drawer huh?

I will have to look for a filter the next time I am at Gander. I have a pretty nice fryer that gets some use, and we usually change the oil after about 5-8 fish fry nights. Never had any sort of problem.

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Dude, if you think that's warped, get a load of this one.

Our washing machine drains into a wash tub. Over time, the wash tub fills up with lint and stuff and clogs the drain. The cure? Slide a set of pantyhose over the washer outlet where all the junk gets filtered out. Once every couple of months, grab a new nylon and duct tape it over the washer outlet.

There are a great many uses for lingere than just lookin good in the catalog. grin.gif

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beer batter, Here's one outta the blue. I use body shop paint filters. They're made of paper and nylon, they're a super FINE mesh, and are really cheap!! Like "50/Thank-you", if you know the paint store guys, helps. As I see it, Paper is paper and nylon is nylon. I'm already 'deepfrying', what could improve that? It's worked for me for about the last 15-17 years. And I do alot of deepfrying. Check 'em out. Phred52

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Thanks Phred, great idea on the cheap paint filters. I was in the man's store (menards) this morning and was able to pick up both the funnel and filters for less than $2. 4 hours and counting until the fish fry begins....mmmmm.

Curious as to how many fish fries a guy can typically get out of oil if filtered after each use? I use peanut oil if that makes a difference.

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Great, Glad I could help. I'd still check your local auto parts stores, though. Most often those filters are supplied by the paint manufactures and meant to be "handed out". Just what they're used for after that....oh well. I have done as many as 7 frys on the same oil. I'd use it, let it cool some (it filters easier when warm to the touch), filter it, and refridgerate it between uses. It'll settle and get cloudy as it cools, but will clear as it warms to room temp. Heat control while cooking is key. Don't let your oil go over 275* or it'll start to breakdown or smoke, or worse, both. Also, before you start heating the oil, smell of it, if you detect ANY rancid odor, get new oil, that rancid flavor will spoil your food. Phred52

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