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Icy Waterfall

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Yep, in town visiting my parents. I've always wanted to get a good pic, but have never stopped to do it. It looked better about a month ago when I was down, with temps down below zero. A lot of steam coming off of it then. Thanks for looking. the Perch

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Great waterfall photo. I especially like where the water froze into a swirl at the base of the dam. I have an addiction to waterfalls. Heres one of Niagra Falls I took a couple years ago. This summer were going to spend some time on the North Shore giving the camera a work out. Maybe get up to Kakabeka Falls in Thunder bay. Great work


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Had to get down to Minnehaha Falls before it thawed. Got some nice pics and thought I'd share this one. The Falls are really beautiful right now. Had to edit out some red spray paint that someone used on the bottom part:


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