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Look out-here come the Physical and I mean Physical Flames to our pond tomorrow. I watched them push around the Wings last night and yep, they won again. Only 1 pt. behind us now. The announcers for the Wings were complaining about all the cheap shots by Flames- especially Phaneuf. High stickings not called, cross-checks, boarding, punching guys after EVERY whistle, and the refs swallowed their whistles, basically. They are going to come in here tomorrow and do more of the same. Will we answer the bell?- or go Skoula-like? I am concerned. Who/when are some guys going to step-up?

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Yeah, I like how long our 6pt lead lasted... The Wild better step up and be just as if not more physical than Calgary. It's been pretty sad to see them get pushed around a bit the last few games (the hits on Gaborik after the whistle etc.). Maybe another fight for Rolston...grin.gif.

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Iginlia scares me, especially against the Wild.

He represents all that we are lacking: goal scoring, willingness to get in front of the net, leadership (stands up for the team)and the toughness factor. He's the total package....


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Wild been geeting pushed around all year, not just the last few games. That's been a problem against our NW Div. rivals all year. The most physical division in the NHL, without a doubt. Maybe we can get Plett or Carlson to come out of retirement for a few weeks... If the refs swallow their whistles tomorrow as they did last night in Calgary, we are really in the hurt bag.

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Wild down 1 after the 1st, they played good but Calgary is more physical Voros getting cheap shotted after every whistle with no penalties getting called then he gets called for a high stick that wasn't even a penalty. They got to get some offense in the second.

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It looked pretty close on the Wild goal that was disallowed because the officials said that the puck was pushed in with the goalie. They kept replaying it on the scoreboard while the officials were explaining the call and the boos just kept getting louder. Calgary looked sharp today. The Wild had their chances, but Kiprusoff shut them down. We outshot them by more than 2-1 but couldn't convert.

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I was at the X today but on the other end when Voros goal waved off. Why that was not reviewed in Toronto? Because it was immediately waved off? I don't get it. Their guy kicked it in! Again, we had a lot of shots, but I can count on one hand how many of those shots were bonafide scoring chances. These guys just refuse to play physical. That is why we are below Calgary and Vancouver now more than any other reason. It is going to be another 1st round and done unless Lemaire gets these guys to play physical, play-off type hockey. Vancouver and Calgary are doing to us all year exactly the same recipe the Ducks did in the playoffs-pounding us the few times we actually get in front of the net and pounding us on the boards. Risebrough can bring in Sundin, Jokkinen,whoever and it won't change nothin if no-one is willing to get the nails dirty. Very frustrating to see this game after game. Not off the bandwagon, just getting old.

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