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Not real good but...

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At least they'll make decent notecards. That's all I sell anyway. ;\)

My wife had an appt. in Rochester Thursday morning. We were out of there by a little after 10:00. Being this close, only 65 miles out of the way, I figured I might as well stop at Red Wing. I checked out Read's Landing first and there wasn't a bird to be found. Everything was froze solid. We got to Colville Park around 11:30 and I found this eagle and deer duo. When I first got there, there was an immature eagle feeding on it. Then, this mature eagle comes along and chases the young one away. This guy only stuck around for about a minute, and he left too. Where Mmeyer and I were at the park a few weeks ago, it was all froze up. I drove to the east side of the park, and there was open water there. I ran into a lady with a 20D and 600mm lens. She was stalking an eagle in a tree, my second shot. I spent maybe close to a half hour there, and then went into town for lunch. Afterwards, my wife insisted on stopping at the Red Wing pottery store. She just had to buy something. At least I was able to keep her down to just one item. eek.gif We then went back out to the park again. The big lady with the big lens, was still there. \:\) I suppose if I had just invested over $7000 on a lens, I wouldn't want to set it down either. We spent about 20 minutes and drove home. We were both dog tired from the stay at the motel, and my wife has absolutely no interest in birds or photography. (sigh) Everything I saw was just so darned far away. I'll be making a special trip back in a couple weeks or so. According to the NEC, the numbers should improve again, after a warm up. The majority have headed south, due to the extremely cold weather.



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Hey X, I don't know how the ladies will like that first note card shot. eek.gif I think it's pretty sweet though. I've been thinking about heading down there again in March sometime. Maybe taking a Friday off of work. Maybe we can hook up again.

Let me know.

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Sounds like a good plan to me, Mike. We'll keep in touch. However, I believe a Monday would have less people around. Too many people take Fridays off, but if that is what works for you, we'll go for it.

My mother loves deer. She has quite an ornament collection in her apartment. I'm going to print that one out and tell her I got a decent photo of a deer for her. I may step back a little after I hand her the picture. grin.gif

I believe you're right about the ladies. I emailed these photos to a couple female friends, and neither one cared for the one with "the dead animal". ;\)

I just looked at the exif and realize I shot these wide open at 5.6. After what I've read on this forum and another, I told myself I'd never shoot wide open unless absolutely necessary. Stupidly, I never even checked my aperture before I shot, evidentally. I'm still not really used to this camera. Nice weather should break me in though. I just need a lot of practice, and 50 shots per month isn't going to do it.

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Mike, I shoot wide open on the 100-400 when I need the extra stop and have sold images that way to glossy mags. I stop down to f8 because I notice a difference in sharpness, but don't hesitate to open her up all the way when you need it.

BTW, with a little bit tighter crop that first image is a total winner for a reality pic. Love the way the crow is coming at the eagle, with the eagle seeming oblivious to it all. Great timing on a great capture.

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Thanks, all. I cropped it a bit tighter and increased the rez just a bit. I'm just disappointed that I didn't get more detail in the eagle's head. However, this is cropped at least 50% and the sun wasn't real kind. Sometimes, you gotta take what you can get.


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