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Public land...people acting like its private


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I don't want to feel that I have to walk on pins and needles because of a picture. Like I said, even if it was on public land, there are areas like this that are legal.

My friends, family, and myself have spent alot of money and time fixing land that the dnr is responsible for fixing and I don't want to be treated like a redneck hillbilly with an atv that likes to go muddin' just because of a picture and someone else's personal judgement.

Like I said, it's easier to just simply ask.

As for having only a few posts, I too went for my own assumptions and apologize. Some people just lurk and jump in when they think something is wrong or they don't like. I take this forum as a community with seperate but similar goals.

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 Originally Posted By: ImissReeds
Roofer, it looks like your still bickering with yourself.

does this really help matters any?

Look guys, I know Roofer personally and as a DNR Instructor, there is no one person on this site, let alone in this state, who is a bigger steward to the environment than Roofer. I have been to his cabin and have seen the mess left behind by unscrupulous slobs which Roofer has repaired.

As Roofer mentioned, ask before we jump to conclusions. He would be more than happy to give an explanation where his photos were taken.

Now, with that being said, let's put this issue to rest now. Keep in mind that as years go by, what we might interpret in the laws today, are going to be different tomorrow.

No more snide comments, no more poking jabs at anyone. This site is the best that I frequent and it's all because of the members. Let's not turn FM into one of those "other sites".

Thank You.

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  • we are 'the leading edge' HSO Creators

[bowfin please note:]


your statement about someones avatar:

so looking at a picture of an atv being riden in water does little to impress me, actually it makes me ----ed!!

violates forum policy twice. It is a veiled attack and you and bowfin are going off topic in an obvious unfriendly direction. Please be sure to read forum policy before posting again. Let's please get back on topic as well.

Keep it fun and friendly please.

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i had a problem with some guys while bow hunting this year. i was hunting some public land that had several monster bucks. 3 guys on four-wheelers did not want use to hunt there because they were going to rifle hunt it. everyday i hunted it they would drive by my stand on there four-wheelers and go drive around in the bedding area. it turned all the deer nocturnal. i just don't understand some people.

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I saw this topic and had to post. This year for duck opener we got to our spot at 5:00 a.m. We were outside the truck talking in the WMA parking area. We were going to hunt a small pond that was a 40 by 100 yards. Only one party can hunt this swamp without shooting the other party. About 6:00a.m a truck drives by than pulls into the ditch about 200 yards away from our vehicles. They procede to get out and run to this spot, its pertty obvious that we were going to hunt the same spot. I walked down and talked to these guys and politly asked them where they were going to hunt. They said they were going to hunt the same pond that we were. I informed them that we had planned to hunt this spot, instead of saying oh will find another spot, they said they had hunted this pond for the last five years and proceded to point out 5 or 6 other spots that we could hunt. I told them that we had been in the WMA parking lot since 5:00 a.m and I told them I know its public land, but next time I would be a little more considerate and find another spot or talk to us and see where we were going to be hunting. They still didn't get it so we left and went to another spot. It definetly urked me because these guys had no clue, this was their spot and this is where they were going to hunt. I realize it's public land but a little consideration goes a long way.

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I'm so lucky that thats all ive ever been able to hunt is public land haha jk. Ive had quite a few bad encounters with ppl bow hunting and muzzle loader hunting and I'm only 19 yearrs old

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I have to say it does annoy the [PoorWordUsage] out of me. It happend to me this past deer season. I had my stand in a section of woods and was the only one hunting it for bow season until gun opened up and out of towners from michagin came in and drove down the path where they were not suppose to be and camped there. I walked back and we talked a little bit and after i saw all of that i went to go pull my stand and they tryed to stop me saying that his buddies are back there and you might spook them or they think you are a deer. I didnt care, i walked and talked with my friend like normal and wasnt quiet at all cause we knew we werent going to hunt there at all. Then when i went to go look for my stand they took my markers down so that i couldnt find it. Fortunatly i found it and we left making noise.

I know i was being a little bit of a [jerk-bait] making noise, but i was pretty mad that someone from another state come up here and try to say we have this spot and hunted it in the past years.

I hope i dont run into this continuly every year.

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We were duck hunting some wma we hunted it since i was a little kid.There is enough room for a lot of people to duck hunt here without shooting at each other.We get out there at four o'clock in our blind waiting for shooting time.When a couple guys a kid come out there we flashed a light at them so they knew were our set up was going to be.They pulled there boat like twenty or thirty yards from our boat.Thats were they stayed to.Come shooting time they made the biggest mistake ever we shot every duck flying in from our way.We were nice enough to let a couple go so the kid could shoot at least.They never even got a duck.His dad must not of duck hunted much to be like that.

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