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Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone knows if they allow boat lifts, docks,...etc. on the Jamestown Reservoir and if there is "lake front property" that allows you to live directly on the water. If so, how spendy is it (ball park). I may be moving there shortly and would like to do things right the first time. IFFWALLEYE you frequent that area don't you (I met up with you a few years back on the reservoir... I was fishing with scoot). Any information would be greatly appreciated!



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No idea of price. It is opperated by the Bureau of Reclamation. Yes there is lake front property though. The thing is very little of it is right on the water due to the high hills on either side of the reservoir. So usually there is a pretty good hill to go down to get to the water. As far as lifts and dock I have seen then around there so you should be able to put them in. You might have to look into if there is a permit required or not sometimes reservoirs like this require that. I have not spent a minute out there this year but I have spend many of days out there and it is by far my favorite location in Central ND to fish. Maybe someday I can find some property there as well. Hey if you move out there you will have to let me know I we'll hit it together.

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Iffwalleye, buzz me an e-mail b_kirkeby at hotmail dot com. I got the job and we should get together and hit the reservoir sometime. I am not sure I will be able to get out before ice off... for sure not before April. But spring open water fishing is just around the corner!


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Thanks Marine_Man, I didn't mean to leave you out! But you're WAAAY down there in Lisbon (where my wife happens to be from). If I remember right, you are not actually FROM there though.. right? You are obviously more than welcome to join us on our voyages. I just remembered that Jason was actually from Valley City so he popped into my head when I heard about the position in Jamestown.

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Ben, way to go! Congrats!!! Give me a call and let me know the details of that final interview we talked about.

You, IFF, and M_M out fishing together- now that's one motley crew!!! \:D

Congrats on the job. Great news!

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Oh, no problems...

And no, I'm not from Lisbon originally... closer to St Cloud, MN.

We'll have to see if we can work something out this year.. should be a good time.

Scoot - I'll bring an extra battery so your boat can get back to the landing \:\)


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 Originally Posted By: marine_man
Oh, no problems...

And no, I'm not from Lisbon originally... closer to St Cloud, MN.

We'll have to see if we can work something out this year.. should be a good time.

Scoot - I'll bring an extra battery so your boat can get back to the landing \:\)


Ya well at least Scoot has a boat grin.gif. Well not to be a party poper but I have a crazy summer ahead of me and I have no idea when I am going to get out. I am getting married this summer and of course that is going to keep me busy. Then summer construction is going to be kicking off for me pretty soon so I will be back on the road maybe as early as the begin of April. But keep me in the loop Ben on your happenings. For sure next winter when I am stopping around out there.

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 Originally Posted By: marine_man
Scoot - I'll bring an extra battery so your boat can get back to the landing \:\)


Talk about kickin' a guy when he's down!

 Originally Posted By: iffwalleyes
I am getting married this summer...

If you weren't using your boat much before, you might as well give it to M_M now! You're screwed! I'd tell you to turn tail and run, but you wouldn't listen anyway. M-M and Ben can tell ya- this is your last chance at freedom. Enjoy the capacity to make your own decisions while you can... On a related note, does this have implications for you going elk hunting next Fall? whistle.gif

Seriously, congrats. I hope she's a great gal and you two are very happy.

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I would say heck ya! Get hitched. The boat will still get out. Perhaps as much as it does now... especially if you can put her on some fish... my wife used to hate fishing, but once she outfished me (which happened to be everytime we went out), she ended up loving it.... I would say with much precaution to think seriously about having kids. Then it would be time to put the for sale sign up. I wouldn't give my kids up for the world and I enjoy them more than any fishing experience I have ever had, but it definitely has had an impact on the amount of time on the water. In a few years, when they are both old enough to fish, it will be well worth the couple year dip in time on the water.

I don't know what Scoot's problem is... his wife made him buy her a vexilar!

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Well I can't give the boat away as my dad has the majority interest in it. I know I won't get out as much as I used to but I will still get out plenty at least I hope crazy.gif. I have spent alot of time on the water and I am ok with the change in my life. I have been doing alot of traveling this winter to see her and spend time with her so I have not gotten out as much but that is just fine with me. Marine Man is not getting the boat.

As far as elk hunting Scoot no that is not going to happen this year. Getting married the end of August and I didn't have anyone to go with this year. Hopefully next year will be back into the cards. Hopefully I can get out mule deer hunting this fall with the bow to make up for it.

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Cool- congrats again. When you solidify your mulie plans, let me know. I've chased them a bunch of times and can point you in the right direction (which you may not need- not sure).

Yeah, leaving to hunt elk in early Sep after a late Aug wedding would be pushin' it a bit, huh?

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Ya it might be not be the best. Are you heading to WY again this year Scott or at least applying again? I might end up in Watford City working this summer that is a might. If that is the case I would be looking in that area to hunt Mulie.

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Yep, we were really lucky and drew an elk tag in WY again. I'm very excited about it!

If you're going to be in the Watford area be sure to give me a call- I have a buddy who's relatives live out there and I've done a lot of hunting in that general area.

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Wow really. Back to back years. That is pretty good. I would be excited too especially after your trip last year. I did just get a call about going again this year to MT on Fri. but I had to turn them down. Hey keep me in mind if you ever have a opening in your group. I will be applying again next year for sure.

I will be sure to let you know if I am in Watford. Thanks Scott.

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