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She just doesn't understand.....

Uncle Grump

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SWMBO got upset last night. I told her that I had looked at "another" fish house and I was going to get it. Cripes! - You would have thought the world was coming to an end.

"Another fish house! What on earth for?" she asks.

I explained it was smaller and lighter than
my QF3, and it would be just the thing for
trips by my lonesome, or when there is a long walk involved. The new one weighs 42#, while the QF3 weighs like 110-120#. And its "only" $125.

I mean - lets get real here. The summer soltice has come and gone, the days are getting shorter. I can already feel the hint of that cool fall air. smile.gif

Whats the big deal w/ owning two fish houses anyway? I know some of you guys own 3 or 4, so two is nothing.... smile.gif

We're makin' ice guys!!!


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Tell her it's only $25.00 a month until the Ice Fishing season starts, then it's yours...

What's a dollar-a-day anyway? grin.gif

I own 3 myself, so I feel your pain...

Good Luck!

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Do you follow rec.woodoworking? That term is used a lot in regards to buying power tools.

I am lucky that my SWMBO, aka The Warden, is very forgiving to purchases such as fish houses. Then again, she likes to ice fish as much as I do.

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Ditto's on the SWMBO...ROFLMAO. I dumped my SWMBO and had up to 6 ice fishin shanties. I was able to "shack up" in many locations, if you get my drift.

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Gissert - yup - I follow the "wreck" - but 99.999% of the time in lurk mode - at least until my new shed is up - and then I get a "real shop". Time to gloat a little then.

Walleyes - Can't dump SWMBO - we got to much history together - but life with her sure can be difficult at times when it comes to me acquiring more hunting and fishing toys - err - I mean - vitally needed gear.

FYI - If you all like "SWMBO" (She Who Must Be Obeyed), try GOPAD.....

Giver Of Pain And Delight.

Ain't that a kick in the britches....



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Uncle Grump -

I thought you might be a reader of the "wreck."

I lurk there as well. I've learned a great deal on that, just a lot of sorting to find what you need. I think I'll go there and post a question asking if Craftsman table saws are any good, LOL.

I need to make a few of T-Bone's butt bridges for my Otter shelter and for a few friends. This cool weather this morning has me wanting to go make some sawdust.

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Uncle Grump.......No pain-no gain. Ya gotta take the blows once in awhile. I like your thinking on the days gettin' shorter. We have turned the corner and now we are on the highway to ice season. Are we sick or what? That reminds me....I have a Vex to take in for service!........T

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I thought I was the only one with ice on the brain!I fish in the spring and summer when I can but it's such a busy time of year.But I think about ice fishing all the time.It sounds nuts,I know,but that's the way it is.Don't want to hurry summer too much,but....................

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just think 150 days and you could find ice somewhere. just thinking about selling the old house and building a new one, now i am getting the shakes just thinking about it,,,,,,

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I know what you mean, I've already started my research on a new portable for next season. I got the fever so bad for a little while there I watched an ice fishing vid last week.

But there are still plenty of open water fish to be caught and ducks to shoot.

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