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Don't forget the sunscreen!!


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To anyone heading out for a day on the ice, if your like me, sunscreen is the last thing you think about when heading out on the ice for a day, but don't go without it!

I spent this past weekend on LOW and my face is paying for it!

This is your warning, don't leave home without it!

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I had some along but left it at the cabin..
GRRRRRRRRR. I fished outside for only a
few minutes and stayed in the portable for
the rest of the day...

The sun can be brutal on the ice like that

Curt Quesnell
NorthCountry Outdoors Radio

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I can personaly attest to that. LOL! You looked like a lobster. I used the portable as a sun shield and saved myself. It's a great time of year to be on the ice.

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Same here Grabs. I was on the ice all day long on Sat. Caught a ton of fish but I'm still hurtin'! I was almost afraid to shave this morning but I managed to wince my way through it. How'd you guys do on LOW?

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