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My house is on the lake!!!!!!!!! Finally!

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Hubby loaded my house up late this morning, we had to stop off at the in-laws for a brunch, after that he plowed a spot for me to get up close to the house, will drill holes and set up the heater tomorrow after opening gifts. I'm so darn excited I tell ya!!!! I can hardly wait. Plenty of Ice too. On Lake Irving right by lake Bemidji. Couldn't tell how deep yet, will find out tomorrow. Whoo hoo! P.S. will open my Santa gift to myself tomorrow (fish elevator).

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The house is set up not too far from shore on Lake Irving, it's banked, and things set to rights after the move, hubby plowed a spot for me to turn around and park close enough for the battery hook ups, bought my minnows yesterday and brought home the bucket and bubbler, put in some fresh batteries and it's working good, hubby will fire up both the furnace and the auger after we have our meal and open gifts today! My son bought me a 50.00 gift certificate to the Bait shop last March for my Birthday, they have lots of nice fishing equipment in there, so whatever doesn't go to minnows I'm sure I can find and item or two of something.

Lisa, I sound excited, ahhhhhh, YOU THINK!!!! wink.giflaugh.gifgrin.gif

My daughter said last night, 'What are doing for Christmas Day....I said FISHING!....LOL...I don't think she was as enthused as I was about that idea. She leaving the 26th on a ski trip for 3days so she'll have her fun too.

I was awake at 4am this morning and my first thought was....I get to go fishing today! lol Everyone have a Great Day!!!!Diana

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As it turned out, I didn't go fishing till Christmas Day. But....I went all day! 5:30 to 6:30, hubby watched the dog. Yesterday I went from 9:30 till 4pm. I took our dog, he wanted to save me from the 23" Northern I caught right after I had everything in it's place. Pup took a bit of getting used to the place, at one point he didn't want to come back in from outside, had to put him in the van for a while, later he came in though. First day of fishing I was in shallow water, didn't catch a thing, hubby moved me out to deeper water, 16'feet of water and I caught a 13" 1.1lb perch, a 13" walleye, a smaller perch, and 4 northerns, good size nothing huge. Were going to save the northerns and make pickled fish. It was a blast! I caught a couple perch yesterday and that northern, almost had two other northerns, if I'd had the fish elevator in the other hole I would of caught one of them, snapped the line at the top. tongue.gif

If I can get ready soon enough this morning, I may be able to fish till around 9am. Gotta run! There's fish waiting to get my minnows! Diana

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My house isn't on the hottest spot, but I'm catching something at least. It's seems like just when I catch a fish, somebody comes out and sets up right next to my house, and I mean right next to it! I'm thinking....Come on! There's a whole lake, you don't need to be 10' away for goodness sake. Went out yesterday at 3:30 caught a nice perch right away, had some other fish snooping at my bait and low and behold, out comes someone in their portable drills their holes at 4:15 and scared all the action away for the rest of my stay, I went home at 8pm. Not another bite. I'm going out for the morning here pretty quick, seems like that's the only time there isn't someone setting up right next to me. Gotta run, fish are a waiting. Good luck to everyone and if I don't get back to you before then, Happy New Year!!!!!

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Caught a couple of nice size perch and a good size northern that I would of lost if I didn't have my elevator. Later in the evening, I should of moved the elevator to the other hole, I would of had a really nice big fish, lost it at the top of the ice, it was a bit dark in the hole area, couldn't see what type of fish it was. I haven't been totally skunked yet anyway. It's not anything like the spot I was on last year by any means, I'm just glad the house is on the ice. Wouldn't that be a funny sign to put up though? lol...Hubby said he's not moving the house again. Unless Bemidji lake get drivable, which I doubt will happen with any type of heavy vehicles. I see lots of 4wheelers out there and we do have one, just wouldn't want to walk out there with the puppy. I should do my morning chores so I can go fishing again. grin.gif

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You gotta get a new gadget Diana-hole lights-no more lost fish in the murky dark holes! Actually I like my dark little portable. It's peaceful. I don't turn on my headlamp or LED's unless I absolutely have too but we do fish quite a bit into the evening hours. I just love how hooked (HAHA PUN!!) you are girl! Keep up the reports-it makes the winter go by with more fun doesn't it?! Instead of our rollin', rollin', rollin' mantra we'll change it into

sharin', sharin', sharin'! ooo.gif

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It's called, too darn lazy to hook up the 12v light to the battery in my vehicle. lol....It was fun though. Yesterday I caught a 22" northern and two others snapped my line, one after the other, was more than likely northerns. Hubby is going to move my house somewhere else. Every time my minnow goes nuts someone is driving by the house. And they are driving way too fast also! Scary! I told my hubby if I could be moved out to where this guy is fishing at least he isn't driving by on a constant basis. Would really like to have the house on Lake Bemidji, maybe with this cold snap we can do that. Heard its suppose to warm up again though. Had to put a coat on the pup yesterday, it's cold by the floor, I do have a fan I can plug in but then I have to keep the vehicle running coz it plugs in the ceiling bulb. We survived though. Puppy finally settled in and took a good nap. He looked awfully funny covered in his down coat I bought for him at the goodwill. Just wanted something that would snap on to keep him warm since he has to be on the floor. Happy New year to everyone! Diana

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I can just picture your dog Diana! Cute!

One person in a small truck was driving across the lake we were fishing on Friday and Saturday nights! We have about 9 inches of ice out there. Gutsy!

Hopefully he can move you. At least you AND your bait can have some peace!

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Hopefully this Saturday is the day we can move the house to Lake Bemidji. A friend of our is coming to stay over night on Saturday for a hockey game, he will help hubby move the house. The holes are pretty frozen up right now so I haven't been back out since the really cold weather, it's much warmer now but it's best to pull it off without having them open. Hopefully all will go well. I am excited about the move, maybe I can catch something besides 22" northerns, their always snapping my line off and we have a few to do the pickling now and my guess is I will catch a few more before the ice fishing year is up. I just have to stop out there and get the stuff more settled for the big move. I suppose I could get the laundry done? lol....Good luck to everyone! Diana

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My fish house did get moved, but do to the hubby being busy it didn't happen till Sunday. I always know I may have to wait past the day that he has earmarked. So far not much going on at the house, caught a couple of tiny perch, not much structure where I am either. I've heard the fish are moving to deeper waters at this time, I'm sitting at 23'. Hopefully the bite will start back up again by this weekend. Hubby said if we don't catch anything at this spot he can just pull it to a different area. Hopefully he will take me over to last years spot, it was very active there. He went out to the house for a bit yesterday, something took the hook, must of been a northern. If I get it grouped enough before work today I'll do some morning fishing before I have to make the deliveries for our store. Hopefully something will be moving. I figure if there are small perch in the area, something that generally eats them will be there also.

Lisa, Lake Bemidji is usually good for Perch, Northerns,Walleyes, and eelpouts. This is what I've caught any way.

It's good to see the site back up and running again, sounds like they had to do a lot of work. Thanks to everyone involved. Diana

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We have an old fashion meat store, smoked products and processing is our specialty. I do the morning deliveries for different businesses that get our meat and I help hubby run a bratwurst stand from early spring to late fall. Deer season is a very busy time for us, right now were doing deer trim into what ever customers want.

Hubby moved my house again on Saturday afternoon, I fished there Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday night. It's the same spot I had last year, thank goodness he GPS'd it last year! So far I've caught in the three times I've been out....

3 Walleye's, kept 2

1 Northern, 22"

17 Perch

I've so happy to be back to my favorite spot! \:D

It was very cold last night, I bet the fish aren't biting much today, that old weather change can make a big difference.

Hubby had his new house (the crank up and down kind), right next to mine yesterday morning, he caught one small perch that he threw back. I caught a few of those too. At least I caught something to keep. lol...He said he may have to use a techno glo tail like I do, not just the plain minnow. I mostly use the yellow ones, sometimes I use the pink if I'm out of the yellow. I try never to be out of them. I only glow them in the mornings when it's dark.

Happy fishing everyone, I know I am!

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Good morning Diana!

So good to hear you've been moved and been successful! Are there a ton of houses on Lake Bemidji? I did not fish this past weekend (twin niece B-day party-it was FUN!) and with the temps coming up this week in Deer River being forecasted I'm not sure if we'll venture out on Winnie. Maybe just the small lake across from the cabin. Wish me luck-I haven't been hauling 'em in like you girl! grin.gif

A meat store would be very cool to own! No one could ever accuse me of being a vegetarian. I wish I lived closer to you! We use a meat market here in Cloquet that has about 20 or so different kinds of brats. I LOVE brats! My favorite is Cajun!

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