I repacked my bearings today and found a little rust around the inner bearing and race. After I got it nice and cleaned-up it was still very smooth, but a little discolored. I didn't feel any pitting so I decided to repack and reinstall. Now I'm second-guessing myself and wonder if I should have replaced the bearing and race. Anybody have any suggestions?
Also, I have never replaced a race before. It looks like it is easy to get the old one out, but how do you get the new one in without destroying it? Is there a special tool to tap it in with?
I repacked my bearings today and found a little rust around the inner bearing and race. After I got it nice and cleaned-up it was still very smooth, but a little discolored. I didn't feel any pitting so I decided to repack and reinstall. Now I'm second-guessing myself and wonder if I should have replaced the bearing and race. Anybody have any suggestions?
Also, I have never replaced a race before. It looks like it is easy to get the old one out, but how do you get the new one in without destroying it? Is there a special tool to tap it in with?
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