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One week to fish... where?


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If you had one week to fish muskies, where would you do it? Imagine no limitations- pretend money, time off, wife, kids, job, home, etc. are complete non-issues. Where'd you go for one week to chase toothy critters?

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I really have a love affair for Leech. There are probably other places with more potential for size and numbers, but there is something special to me about that place.

Not trying to turn this thread on its head, but what about this question: "If you had one week to fish, WHEN would you fish?"

In the full moon, in the fall before freeze up, when it gets super hot?

Great question Scoot.

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That is a great question. I have been lucky enough to fish in some fantastic water over the last 10 years, so narrowing it down to one place is awfully hard.

In my college years at Bemidji Sate, some of the most under-rated musky lakes were right in my back yard, and it is also where I put my first 50+ in the boat. So that will always be an area I love to fish.

I have also spent time on Lake of the Woods, Sabaskong bay. That area is full of fish and has also produced 50+ fish for me. The scenery is second to none in the canadien shield lakes, which is also an attracktive quality.

Milacs is off my list for the sole reason that you could get blown off the lake for a week straight. However, there isn't a better place to bag a 50 pounder.

Last summer I spent 5 days on the Winnepeg River System near Minaki, Ontario. And I would have to say, maybe because it's fresh in my memory, that would be at the top of my list. I was there in June with 7 other guys and we caught 24 fish. They all seemed to be really healthy, borderline fat fish. I saw numerous fish in the low 50 range with one of them pushing 55-56. The water up there is not overwhelmingly big, but at the same time, you could fish it for an entire summer and just scratch the surface.

So I guess that would be my first choice, but I wouldn't complain about any destination involving one week and muskies.

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As far as when, that is also a good question. June has always been good to me. However if I were to pick one week out of the entire year, it would be the last week in September. You're not going to run into turn-over, the muskies are gearing up due to the falling water temps, fish are relatively easy to find, and you can catch some real pigs during this period. And while it can get pretty chilly in late September, your eyelits and reels most likely aren't going to be freezing up on you.

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For me if I had one week and unlimited funds.

First week in July, because of water temps and the mosquitos aren't that bad yet... I would Fly into Rowan Lake and stay at Nielsons Lodge (American Plan). I would have Don Guide us the first 2 days. Then I would have him fly us back to Nestor Falls where Dick Peason would have the Ranger all gassed up and ready to go. He would guide us for the next 2 days. After that we would decide if we wanted to stay on LOTW or Fly back to Rowan. If neither were going that well, then I would have Dick meet us over at the Angle. To finish our Trip. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

I really want to get up to Rowan and I still might next year but with the Canadian dollar stronger than ours... ouch might have to stay in the states next year.

If anyone can top that trip, I would love to hear it!!! grin.gif

Scoot, your dream trip can be next September, my place, Muskies on the Rocks on Leech. The wife is a good cook, teh guest room is empty and I am a so so guide but it would be fun, non the less!

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The plan is for no more babies in our household, so that's a more likely deal this coming summer than last. However, once Sep rolls around I tend to fish for skis very little. I get the stick and string out and chase deer all fall. I know, it's stupid to not be fishing for muskies then, but I can't help myself! Regardless, we'll have to see if we can make it work this coming summer.

I love your Rowan/LOW idea- I've wanted to fish Rowan for a few years now. Never been there, but it sure looks like a cool body of water. Don seems like a nice guy and clearly knows the water better than anyone. Dick P on LOW knows a little bit too. smile.gif That would definitely be an awesome trip.

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Eagle Lake, Ontario. Haven't been a lot of other places, but I can't imagine anywhere else is too much better. Want evidence, check out the pictures in the Fishing Reports section at the HSOforum for Andy Myers Lodge.

I went there for the first time this year and it will be an annual trip for the rest of my life.

Tough decision, though.

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Good question.....

I have to say that a week on LOTW with Doug Johnson would be tops for me. Maybe first week in July, based on the last couple years. The man is a legend.....I'd be afraid I'd sit there and just want to listen to him and not even fish though!

Our FMer from Asia lals (Tom Lally) doesn't have too bad a trip either! LOTW around that time, with great success!

Tom, hope all is well, is it Thursday morning in Hong Kong right now?!?!?!


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Definately would be Rowan for the peace and quiet plus super tankers. Always wanted to go up there just seems like a fascinating place to me.

Out east with Richard Collins or Marc Thorpe would be an adventure as well. Can you say big fishes?!

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Hey John, since Scoot will be chasing deer and can't take you up on the dream trip to Leech, my son and I would love to. We've fished it pretty hard the last couple years and are still fishless there. I'd return the favor on a different lake if you're interested. Let me know.

Keith [email protected]

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