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2 Questions


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First question:
We are taking my son's Cub Scout Troop for a day of ice fishing. Is each kid able to take home some fish or is it limited to the limit of the two adults going along?
Second question:
I thought I saw somewhere on here where someone listed a cheap place to get hifax for the bottom of a sled. I did a search but came up with nothing. Any suggestions?

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I'm going to assume all your scouts are Minnesota residents.

Straight from the Minnesota fishing regs:

* "All residents age 16 or older must have the appropriate license on their person when fishing" (couple exceptions listed that don't apply to your situation). That's the only language in the regs regarding how old you have to be before you need a license. The way I read it, if you are younger than 16 you don't need a license.

* "All residents age 15 and younger are allowed to take their own limit of fish." So I read this to say that Minnesota residents younger than 16 don't need a license and can keep their own limit.

Since you're talking cub scouts, I think all of them would be under 16.

Anyone else know differently on those regs?

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You should be able to take a limit for each child. But I would highly recommend that you don't, take a few for each. It then teaches the kids the value of catch and release, and the fact that you don't have to go out to catch/keep as many fish as you can. Keep what you are going to eat. I believe someone on here mentioned something about the DNR doing a seminar, you may want to look at that. That way they can see first hand that the DNR isn't the enemy, and learn some basics about the rules from those that know it. Also I think alot of kids have some respect for theose in uniforms. Good luck.

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Thanks for the info guys.
My son is the only one of the 7 that have ever been ice fishing. I don't think we will have to worry about each of us catching a limit. I think the 2 adults (myself included) will release everything we catch and explain that we are practicing catch and release. We will then explain what exactly that means and what it means to the body of water we are fishing. As far as the boys go, I think each is really looking forward to bringing a couple fish home if possible to "provide a meal for the family"
Catfish, they are 10 year olds.
Thanks again,

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From past experience with a bunch of kids I would suggest bringing some tip-ups and setting them up around the perimeter of the area you'll be fishing. That way the noise and activity on and under the ice won't prevent you from getting a few flags hopefully.
Besides that, if you're only catching small panfish jigging, the occasional Pike will make some youg 'uns day ! wink.gif
have fun and good luck !!

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G-Man: ?????? Think you got in the wrong forum.

You amy also want ot show them how to clean the fish.

The tip up idea is a great one. When are you planning on going? I maybe able to lend you a few if it's not until Feb. I have around 8-10. I would only hae each kid w/ a single pole and then a tip-up for each. And if it's a week that I can't go out myself I can let you use my vex.

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Good work on taking the crew of youngin's out fishing. Be sure to take the opportunity to teach them about ethics and rules and regs. Bring a camera and take LOTS OF PICTURES. The more fish you put back, the better the fishing will be next time they go out!
Where you heading to?
Good work,

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Thanks for the tips guys. We are heading to a small lake over by Maple Lake(Mentor area)
I think between the two Dads we have enough tip-ups for everyone. (bought a bunch on hsolist for very cheap) Thanks very much for the offer though. Scoot you may know the lake we are going to. If not, your Dad probably does.
Thanks again,

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Hey Tully, I remember my scouting days, and when we went on outings like this they were fun no matter what the outcome. So even if you don't catch any thing I'm sure the kids will have fun, and it will give you a golden oppurtunity to teach them something about the outdoors . Thumbs up to you. Hey G-Man I'm sure Tully appreciates your helping him with the second half of his question on "hifax".

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Concerning the hyfax, You should be able to go to your local snowmobile dealership and get a set of used ones for nothing. They usually throw them away so you may have to go down there and ask them to save a set for you.

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