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Dano2. and the rest of the gang. The person who has decided to call it's self the guardian fish is an imposter.
I respectfully request this indivudual stop using my "icon " if you will and my name that I originated over 15 years ago. And become a bit more original on his/ her own.
This is a bit frustrating that a person has to steal from another in this forum format.
Yours truly
Crappie Todd

[This message has been edited by crappie todd (edited 01-12-2003).]

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Guardian Fish, You're in trouble!! My wife got a puppy for Christmas and I'm training it to be an attack dog. He's mean and a killer. He's a Basset named Nigel. But you have to come on land and rub yourself all over with Puppy Treats and then you're dead....You will be licked to death.

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What? An imposter? I confess, I created the user name "Guardian Fish" It was not my intention to be an imposter. I was not aware that the name was already taken. I think people who show up as imposters to hurt someone else are lowlifes and should be banned from the internet. I hope by revealing my true identity you can see that was not my intent.
I got to tell you though that by the threads I have read on the GF, I cannot see how anyone could infer that it was a serious concept. I thought it was a big joke, like some of the preparation H threads a couple of years ago. I thought it would be funny to have an actual guardian fish show up to assert its existence. (Yeah I know it was absurd humor, I been biting too many lead splitshots I guess!) smile.gifI declare you, Todd, the original Guardian, and the "imposter" is now coated in beer batter, about to hit the hot grease, never to be heard from again on this forum grin.gif

Happy Fishing

Michael Thompson ><}}}("<

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Hey Cyb

Don't feel to bad, because it is all a big joke. In my opinion, a joke that is starting to wear a little thin. I for one would be happy to never see another topic on the GF. Who's with me?

added: In my opinion..


[This message has been edited by hawgTime (edited 01-12-2003).]

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