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how to fish for pike


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hi i have had good luck with tip ups for pike how ever i have tried in vain using spoons big white tube jigs sucker on a hook on a dead rod no luck any body have this trouble or am i just doing it wrong any info would be great what do you guys and gals have the best luck on

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presentation is only part of the equation. How is your location? Maybe try inquiring about particular lakes or how to attack different spots. Pike are pretty aggressive predators and given a chance they will usually cooperate if they are around. If you're getting them on tipups you know they are there, I don't see why a deadstick with the same setup wouldn't work or even some active jigging to bring them in. If you are sure they are there but not biting, try cutting a larger hole and watching them, or if you don't have a shack that allows this kind of observation, buy or rent a camera. How are the fish reacting to what you're putting down the hole?

My $0.02

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Like Scott said, location can be important, and make sure you're fishing a lake where there is a decent population of pike. During the winter, I like to find green weeds when targeting pike, especially at early ice. Locate a vast line of green weeds and you are sure to come across a few toothy critters.

Jiggin Raps, Chubby Darters, 1/2oz or 3/4oz Buckshot Rattle Spoons, Lindy Flyers with a white grub... these are all presentations I look to when targeting pike. I'm not much of a sit and wait guy, so tip-ups don't really appeal to me. If I have no choice but to be patient and wait it out, I'll turn to the deadstick so at least I have something to reel in if a fish strikes smile.gif Jigging has out-produced tip-ups probably 5-to-1 for me, so I'm also more confident in jigging for pike through the ice, whether it be large or small fish.

So, in regards to location... make sure you target green weeds if available. Also pay attention to forage... meaning if you're seeing a lot of smaller panfish (or anysize panfish for that matter) in the area, then more than likely you'll have pike nearby. Also look for pods of baitfish and smaller perch... those areas can be good for both pike and walleye. If you're working a hole and don't see any activity within a couple minutes then move, because that tells me that neither pike or forage are using the area. You should at least see a bunch of runty perch scoot in to check out your offerring.

And when targeting pike, don't feel as if you have to punch a ton of holes over a single spot. Pike like to cruise through an area rather quickly in search of food. If you've ever seen a pike come in on an underwater camera you'll notice that they come in rather quickly, and from a decent distance away, then either take the bait or move on in search of a different meal. You can expect that on most pike spots unless the spot is over-populated with pike, then you might as well sit over them and catch as many as you can smile.gif

Pike are relatively easy to target once you break down a lake. Don't give a spot too much time if you're not seeing any action. Pike will come from long distances if they sense food in the area, so you can punch holes every 20 yards or so and be just fine. Two guys can work an entire weed line sufficiently. And, don't be afraid of trying the set-line and jigging combo... meaning you put a tip-up in shallower water and then work the outside holes with a jig rod. This not only allows you to have more lines in the water, but it helps with locating what depths pike are relating to and which area (or side) of the structure they prefer.

So... look for areas where baitfish/forage are present... find green weeds if available... ... use big and gaudy presentations to get the pike's attention... and stay mobile. And if all else fails, maybe try a new lake smile.gif

Pike fishing can be very rewarding during the winter months, not only for numbers, but for size as well...

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I have heard about the importance of green vegetation before but I wonder what the best way to find it is. If you have a boat then scouting in late fall is probably the best but if you don't and you also don't have an underwater camera what could you do? I will be guided by GPS this year and mostly the lakes around me have the choice of either emergent or submerged vegetation, is one more likely to be green during winter? Or do you drill holes and hope you can see something down there? I know sometimes when the ice is clear you cab see pretty well.

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I like to set a tip up with shiner at the top of the weeds,(shiner for flash,some suckers will just lay there,plus shiners are oilier,which pike like),then jig with an airplane jig attached with small sucker or shiner,or drop down a buck shot spoon,with half a baitfish attached. I always use tip up line markers so if i catch one I kvow which depth to go back to.

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Remember when searching for under ice weeds that they still need sunlight whether they get it from through the ice. I would start by looking at south facing shores where you know weeds were in the summer. Most likely these weeds are still active. Also open water shallow weed beds will stay green longer into the season.

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If regulations allow in your area, a great way to increase you odds of hooking up with a Slime Rocket it tip your baits or jigging presentations with a portion or whole smelt they stink great and pike find irresistible. If smelt are not allowed in your area anydead minnow in the bucket will work. Also a great way to save a little money is to freeze any of the minnow that day inbetween trips pike don't care if it is dead or alive.

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