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The "Dumb" Stuff We All Do


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I am going on 19 years and here are the magic answers to your questions about "wedded bliss"




Just keep listening to Toby Keith...I WANNA TALK ABOUT ME!


Thanks for the heads up. Time to stock up on beer, earplugs and blood pressure medication.

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We were just a couple of teenage punks roamin' around the neighborhood, bored and looking for something to keep us entertained. Between my friends house and his neighbors house was an empty lot were a previous dwelling stood. The only thing remaining was the 6 inch stanpipe from the septic which hid the empty tank below ground level. Being young and curious about fire, we began dropping lit matches down the standpipe to see what could possibly be located below this hole in the ground. Well the sun was starting to set, those darn little stick matches just wouldn't give us a flicker of hope to see what the heck could be down there.

AH HA a brainstorm. Lets get some dead leaves that were blowing in the wind on that cool October night. A handful of crunchy leaves and a few matches later would only give us but a few seconds of light down the dark abyss.

By this time night was begining upon us when my buddy decides it's time for a little more flammable material. From his garage with wild beastlike eyes, he bound across the lot with a jarfull of gasoline.

The few baincells I had left in my meager brain, told me it was time to vacate the premises. As I began to run for the safety of home, the flames shot up that standpipe like a civil war cannon at the battle of Bunker Hill. For a few seconds the once black neighborhood lit up a yellow and orange hue, brighter than any Fourth of July celebration to be seen.

Cowering under the my bedcovers I trembled, waiting to hear my fathers footsteps come down the hallway........there was nothing but silence........

The next day's bus ride to school, I glanced over at my buddy, his eyebrows were gone and his new hair do was as short as I ever seen............."WOW ...What happened to you?" I smirked

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Lisa, trust me, Mrs. Boilerguy could write a novel about the dumb stuff I've pulled, just this week.

And here we go:

When I was but a skinny lad, my mom and dad went out one night. This was rare. My older brother and my cousin and myself stood in the big picture window and mooned the cars that drove by. Well, my mom and dad drove by......and we mooned them. Mom says after they turned around to come yell at us they had to pull over and stop laughing first.

In high school I built an air boat out of a jon boat in metals class. One day while out in the swamp I decided to use a muskrat hut as a ramp to see how much air I could catch. That didn't go over well and I miss my air boat.

As a teenager I once told my dad to shut up. Nuff said.

While in high school I ran a trap line. One time I set off a 220 coniber on my hand, on purpose, just to see if it hurt. It does.

We used to hang from the bottom of a train bridge that crossed the St. Croix river. When the train came over the last guy that could actually hang on was "The MAN!!!"

The list could go on forever. grin.gif

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