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Lowrance iFinder H2O questions



OK... I would like to have a topographic map (for hiking and traveling mainly). With computer control (to save waypoints, create routes etc).

Do I need JUST MapCreate 6 USA Topo for this?

Or.. do I also need to buy a FreedomMaps USA Topo chip as well for the map data?

(I'll worry about fishing chip/maps later in the spring)

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OK.. so to make this clear.. with a standard H20 GPS out of the box... all I need is the 'Mapcreate 6' package to see standard Topo maps of the US... with the ability to send and receive and store maps to my GPS with both preset and my own points of interests and waypoints?.... to AND from my pc... saving both my tracks and routes and all that stuff etc?

Just like I have done with 'Mapsource Topo USA' in the past for my Garmin GPSmap76CS device?

Is this correct?

Thanks for the help!

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