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Seed question


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This fall marks my second year at my place and like every fall and spring I have been expanding my lot inclue more and more grass.

Anyways this fall I seeded my front lawn and about 50% of it came up. I looks good, but it looks like it could use more seed. Should I run out and get more seed tomorrow since it will be almost 70 out? And would I need to rake it in or just use the spreader?

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The fact that it's going to be 70 out isn't going to do too much for you right now, the actual ground temps are too cold to promote germination, and even if you did get something to germinate, whether or not it would survive the cold winter would be the next question.

Now you're better off to either wait until spring, or else do some dormant seeding.

Dormant seeding is when you seed right before a snowfall, even if the ground is froze.

The snowfall will act as a blanket so the birds and others don't get out and eat all of your seed over winter, and then when the snowmelts, that melt will help the seed transition into the soil.

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I seeded my new house lawn 3 years ago -- I did the back yard in the spring, but the front and sides I spread the seed while the first snow of the winter was falling. This was the best option for me, it worked great. Of course the ground had to be prepared much before that when it was warmer. But if you are simply overseeding - I would spread it out just before it snows -- and if you have the luck I did with it - it'll come great next spring.

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After the last of the concrete set up yesterday, quickly seeded the portion of the lawn where we had to re-landscape around the building addition & septic system. It slopes away pretty substantially so smoothed it out as best I could, picked out the tree roots, seeded it, packed it with the 4 wheeler, then covered it with a light layer of straw to keep it from washing. Overnight and this morning we've accumulated > 6" of heavy, wet snow on top of it. While the snow will make hauling manure tomorrow a mess, hopefully it will help glue that straw to the ground. Places it needs to be levelled somemore so even if the grass doesn't catch, am not out a lot.

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